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3 person P.O.V

King and ban walked into the big fancy restaurant, and if you thought it was fancy on the outside you should see the inside. The floor was covered in red velvet carpet. "Ban how can you afford this?" King looked up at ban.

"I saved some dude and he owed this restaurant and said I could by when ever I want." Ban then told the man at the desk who he was and they set them at a fancy both. "Wow this place is amazing!!" King had stars in his eyes. Ban loved that king was so happy. He wish that he could see him smile all the time. The man came back with the menu's. "Please tell me when you are ready to order."                             

(After they were done ordering and finished eating)

They both done eating and now they are just talking. They both got up to leave. When they get out they start to walk but ban pulled away from king. The man that tried to take king away before was now standing in front of king. He also had three more men with him that were as big as him. The men held down ban and he was weak after he news snatch on the man earlier. The men were punching ban and king new he could not die but he was still scared for him. King lost it when there was blood all over there fist and they were still punching him. King walked up to the men the men stared at him. "Let him go!" King yelled at them. "And what are you going to do about it!"

The men were about to go back to hitting him but then a lot of blood stared to fly. Ban looked up and there was the man that was punching him with king chastiefol in his chest and king standing at the end of it. He pulled it out of the man chest. All the other men there just stood there still surprised by what happen. "W-what the h-hell i-is wrong with you k-kid?!?" One of the men said after the shook wore off. "I gave you a warning. So this is not my fault it is your!!" After that was said the men ran off like scared little puppy's. "King are you okay?" Ban asked as he walked up to him. "Am I alright! You got the shit beat out it you!?!?" King yelled at him then hugged him.

"Let's get you home before someone see you." Ban then points at king dress it was covered in blood. "I'm so sorry about the dress?!?" King looked at himself yep he was covered in the man's blood. "It's okay I stole the dress any way." Ban just shurged  it off like it was nothing.

Ban grabbed king hand and walked off to a nice hotel they were going to have fun to night if you know what I mean.

( Sorry its so short but I hope you like it.)

ban x kingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang