The Baby

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3 Person p.o.v

King woke up in the morning feeling sick. That when he felt the food he had yesterday come up he ran to the bathroom as fast as he could.

It went on like this for a few days, so ban finally decided that he was going to take king to the doctor. They are getting ready to go. "Come on king you are going no matter what?!?!" Ban was yelling at king, because he was floating up at the roof of the tavern. "No I'm not going to the doctor and you can't make me!!" King was now the one yelling at ban. Ban had a great idea just then.

"Fine then I'll just leave." Ban then pretend to leave , but he just hide under one of the tables. After a few minutes king came down. He looked around seeing if he was alone. Then he felt someone arms around his waist. "Got you!" Ban said from behind king.

"Dang it ban let me go?!?!" King was trying to scwerm out of his grip. "No you are going to the doctor no matter what!" He then threw king over his shoulder.

They were walking down to the doctor. And king have given up on trying to run away. They reached the doctor office in 10 minutes cause they were pretty close.

One hour later

"He is pregnant." The doc said in a calm voice.

They left right he said that. "I'm going to be a mother!" King was whisper to him self. King then stopped walking. Ban noticed this and stopped to. "Ban are you going to stay with me." King asked as tears threatened to fall . Ban looked king for a moment then gave him a hug. " I will stay with you till the end of time."

They were walking again and king stated to fall asleep so ban picked him up and, now his head was resting on his shoulder.

(Sorry it is short bye.)

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