The Baby's

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3rd person P.O.V

9 Months later

Ban, Meliodas, Elizabeth, and gowther were sitting in the tavern while everyone else was up stairs. And there was a big storm out side and a bad one. They heard a scream come from ban and king room. Ban jumps up fast and runs to king. "KING WAS WHAT HAPPENED!?!" Ban said in a painc voice.

King yells back "THE BABY IS COMING!?!" King is lying on the bed with his stomach in the air. "What do we do?" Meliodas said because he was clueless at this.

"Let's see if we can  get the doctor out here." Elizabeth said. She runs down the stairs grabs the phone and calls the doctor. " Hello doctor you need to get here now king is having the baby!" She heard the doctor say  "I'll be there in one moment." She hangs up the phone and runs to king and ban room. "He said he will be here in moment."

King was breathing in and out trying to calm down. Ban was right next to him trying to calm him down. The doctor got there in a few minutes and he looked out of breath. "I got here as fast as I can!?!" The doctor walked over to king. "Okay you are doing just fine."

After the birth

King P.O.V

I was holding my two baby's in my arms. "King what do you want to name them?" I look down at the little boy that was in My arm. "How about we name the James and the girl Jasmin?"

Ban looked down at the two baby's and then looked back down at me. "I think those are great names for them." He gave me a smile and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you king!"

"I love you too ban!"

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