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There you were, half asleep in your room. on your desk stood some fake blood and paint brushes, all part of your halloween planning. That was, if you'd survive untill halloween.

The window opened quietly enough not to catch your attention. The thing that did was the change of shadows.

Your eyes shot wide open, scanning the darkened room.

A figure jumped on top of you and covered your mouth to muffle screams... even thought you didn't scream.

Hovering above you was a person, presumably male. He had messy black hair, pale, leathery skin, and unblinking eyes. His cheeks were cut open in a permanent smile.

Confused by your refusal to scream he removed his hand, placing a cold knife he took out of his blood stained white hoody against your troath.

You didn't say anything. All you did was stare at him.

The male growled and got off you, putting his knife away before running his hands trought his hair frustrated.

You sat up and crawled to the corner where your bed and two walls met. Tightly hugging your knees you watched the unknown man swear and kick a wall. Lucky him, your parents were swearing louder downstairs.

Without any warning he disappeared trought your window.

As quick as your legs could carry you you ran downstairst. Quietly, you opened the kitchen door to reveal your parents arguing, worse than ever before.

Your father grabbed a knife that was on the counter. His expression was filled with rage and insanity when he stabbed your mother, a swift stab trought the heart did the job.

He watched her bleed on the floor before turning to the door where you stood.

You ran back up the stairs and hid in your room. "(Y/NNNN)" he yelled in a sickly sweet voice. Footsteps came up the stairs, to your room.

It didn't take him a long time to find you, grabbing your (H/L) (H/C) hair and dragging you out of your hiding spot.

You let out a yell in pain before he threw you to the ground, raising the knife to send you the same fate as your mother.

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now