Chapter 6

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While you looked around you noticed you had wandered away from jeff, at the moment being back in the living room.

A little girl you assumed was Sally walked up the stairs to go to bed.

Your eyes widened, assuming you were so fucked since Jeff was in another room and you were left with the other men from wich you very well knew they were killers.

A black-white clown came up to you, holding out a hand with some candy in it.

"Want some candy?" He asked, the smile on his face becoming bigger, showing rather pointy teeth.

Your eyes widened, backing up a little. "N-no, thank you." You stuttered a little.

That was untill your back bumped into someone else.

Looking behind you there stood a man with a blue mask.

Him tilting his head a little made you already jump.

While you shakily apologized and walked away as quick as you could the two men chuckled.

"Make yourself at home, you won't be leaving any time soon." Slendy said. standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Don't worry about the rest, they are just testing you a little."

You descided to try and relax, sitting down on the couch.

The boy with the link suit who Jeff threw his knife at 'stretched' and put an arm around you. "So... do you come here often?" (One person who reads this story will link this to an inside joke)

The clown who was just walking past burst out in laughter.

You just sat there with your face in your hands. "This is gonna be a long evening."

And you were right. The evening stretched out with all the men trying to scare you a little. At some point Jeff popped up again while BEN was trying to 'flirt', dragging the elf away with ease.

Your head popped up a few minutes later, looking at Jeff. "Shouldn't we get back to my house and get some clothing?" You asked.

He nodded and dragged you outside.

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