Chapter 8

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Eyeless was carefully stitching up the two cuts on your face.

Of course two smile like scars would remain but still better than having it left open like that.

They had locked Jeff's room.

He went crazy once in a while, nothing new. Only this time someone got hurt.

Normally they'd send him out and he'd kill the nearest human to him but this time you were there. You were a human in the house and there was no chance you could've fought him off.

Other times they'd lock him in his own room.

It was usually BEN who sat at the door of his room talking him slowly out of the temporary insanity.

Their biggest problem now was that you would probbably be terrified of him again and it was supposed that he would teach you how to kill.

It took three days for him to calm down and for you to wake up and be fully able to talk again without ripping open the healing wounds.

It was Slendy's descision to put you back in the room with him as soon as he was his usual self again, to force you both to try and work it out.

You got pushed into the room by Masky and instantly locked in, preventing you from escaping.

You froze when you heard footsteps behind you. Slowly turning around you saw Jeff.

His back was slightly slumped, hair messy and unwashed.

Your eyes widened as you pressed yourself tightly against the door.

His eyes fixed themselves onto yours, scanning your face. The room was even more messy than usual.

A dark chuckle came from him. "I like the smile."

He dropped down on his bed, running a hand trought his black hair.

You managed to gather a little bit of fool's hope to speak. "It was your work." You managed to bring out.

"They're not gonna let you out, you know. Might as well get comfy because if i planned on killing you i would've already done so."

It took hours before you both talked again like nothing happened.

It had come to you that in this house things like these were normal.

But you two wouldn't come out of that room like you did before.

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