Chapter 4

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You listened to him yelling just a few rooms away, followed by bangs on the wall.

Contemplating to go and take a look just in case you looked at the door.

Out of nowhere it swung open, revealing a tall figure in a black suit and no face.

Tentacle like things came out of his back, grabbing you. You let out a scream and struggled against it's grip.

"How did you get here and what are you doing here?" A voice in your head asked. It was a deep, threatening voice, sounding angry.

A voice came from behind the tall figure. It was the voice of this Jeff guy.

"Slendy, let go of her!" He yelled, slipping past him into the room.

This Slendy dropped you. Nearly instantly you cowered back, gripping your head in your hands as you sunk to your knees.

Jeff stood in front of you, facing Slendy with spread arms.

"Don't hurt her. I brought her here after she killed her father."

The tentackles sunk back into the tall man's back. "Fine, but she's your responsebility. I'm not stopping the others if they attack her, that's up to you." He said, striding off.

Jeff turned to you, crouching down next to you.

He awkwardly rubbed your back.

"Are you allright?"

You tried to cower away from him. At this he got up to his feet. "Follow me, you're staying with me for your own safety."

Being afraid of making him angry you rose to your feet, stumbling after him.

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now