Chapter 10

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The relationship between you both didn't really show after that. He was keeping it secret from the others, afraid they'd take you away from him. Of course, he had forced BEN to promise not to say a word about it.

Behind closed doors was another story.

He'd keep you close, sneaking kisses from you every now and then.

What you didn't know was the war that was going on inside of him.

Normally his insanity moment only came once in the three months... it changed.

It was a mere month after you two kissed that it happened again.

The look in his eyes changed as well as his face.

A crazed smile crawled upon his face as he looked at you.

BEN instantly ran out and locked the door right before Jeff could run after him, locking you in with him.

From outside you could hear BEN yelling he'd get you out before running.

Jeff on the other hand slowly walked up to your terrified figure, grabbing his knife off the bedside table.

You trembled as you stumbled back. Figuring this might be your last living moment you could just as well get a last hug, if you were lucky he'd freeze for a moment.

So, you set yourself off from the wall and pulled him tight towards you.

You felt and heard him laugh an insane laugh, putting his hand on your back before... he stabbed your back.... literally.

The knife stabbed itself into your back without any mercy.

A gasp fell from you but you refused to let go, clutching helplessly onto him.

This happened again trice before you collapsed to the ground.

He could finish the job right there but something inside of him kept him back.

The door opened, revealing Slender.

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