Chapter 3

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Lucky for you no one seemed to be home that moment. You didn't question it for you had no clue there were other people.

The man with the hoarse voice that introduced himself as Jeff showed you a room and ordered you to stay in there untill he came to get you.

He went to his own room, locking the door.

*Jeff's POV*

My walls were filled with holes wich were either punced or from my knife.

The voices began again. The two sides that normally co-operated went onto a fight.

Normally my insanity pushed down my sane self but for some reason it changed since that girl appeared and killed her father.

'Kill her. Kill her and be free. Run.' One side yelled.

'Sit down. Don't touch the knife. Feel.' The other side said soothingly.

I curled up in a corner, gripping onto my knees as i yelled out, wanting it to stop, wanting to stop the voices.

'Do it, i know you want to.'

'There's more about her, don't do it.'

'You can be releaved.'

Then the sanity came with something that totally shattered me.

'What would Liu say?'

I got op shakily. But this weakness only lasted a second before i slammed my fist into the wall.

There were three possibilities with this woman.

It could be that we both stayed the same, i pull her with me into the darkness and make her insane, or she returns my sanity and ends the fights that went on in myself.


Credit to my senpai kamipandadoll for the idea :3

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