Chapter 2

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Jo couldn't move. It was as if she was paralyzed. She was a doctor, a surgeon! She had degrees from Princeton and Harvard- her she didn't even know she was pregnant. About 7 weeks, she guessed, which is a long time to go without noticing.
"Jo? Is everything okay in there?" Mer said from outside of the bathroom door.
Crap. She had completely forgotten Meredith was there, and she couldn't tell her before Alex.
"Yeah. It's, um... I'm fine. So you can go." She said, trying her best not to sound rude.
"Well, are you pregnant or not?" She asked again.
Jo opened the door fixed her hair, which was a tangled mess from rolling around in bed all day, and threw on some clothes to make herself decent.
She wasn't sure whether she was excited, terrified, upset- whatever it was, she wanted Alex to feel it with her. After all, he was a pediatric surgeon. He's amazing with kids, and they always wanted their own. They had talked about it a few times, but Jo wasn't ready. She still isn't, but Alex would know how to calm her down.
"I'm going to the hospital." Jo said, leaving before Mer could stop her.
She drove to Grey Sloan, and headed for the elevator. She figured she'd head up to the Peds floor and look for him there, but to her surprise, Alex was already on the lift.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding confused and worried, even the slightest bit glad to see her, but not angry. She was worried he'd be mad she got out of bed after she promised she wouldn't, but he'd get over it.
"Are you feeling okay? Did you check your temperat-"
"Did Mer stop by? I wanted to make sure you were okay, but I got called onto a case."
"ALEX!" she said, now getting frustrated. She pulled the emergency alarm in the elevator so it stopped. "Alex, we need to talk."
His face got serious. "What? it bad? What's going o-"
"Alex! Shut up." She said, realizing for the first time that she had no idea how to tell him. "It's not bad. Not at all. Alex-" she paused and smiled, putting her hands on his shoulders. "We're having a baby."
"What?" Alex said, a smile coming across his face.
"I'm pregnant." She said, waiting for a response. But instead of replying, Alex put his hands on her waist and pulled her into a kiss. Alex broke embrace a moment later, and said,
"We're having a baby!" He leaned in to kiss his wife again.
In that moment, Jo knew with absolute certainty that she wanted to keep the baby. Alex was going to make an amazing father, and she'd be a great mom. She swore she would give her baby everything that her mother didn't.
"Have you seen an O.B yet?"
"No- I came here the second I found out. I thought about getting an ultrasound first, but I wanted to tell you first, and-"
"Jo... let's go see our baby." Alex pulls out his pager and pages Carina DeLuca. Then he starts the elevator back up and presses the button that will take us up the the maternity ward. Alex starts the elevator again pulls Jo by the hand out into the hall and down into an exam room. He gives her a gown and waits outside the room for Dr.Deluca.
"You paged? Where's the patient?"
"In here." He opens the door and carina sees Jo. She looks at Alex and smiles, and then back at Jo.
"You're pregnant? Congratulations! I suppose you want to see the baby?"
Alex smiles at Jo and she nods. "We want to know as much as we can."
Within 5 minutes, she had the picture up. Alex sat by Jo's head, stoking her hair with one hand and holding her hand with the other. Her eyes were tearing up at the sight of the black and white sonogram of that was her child, a real live person, growing in her belly. The thought of another crooked smile in her life just made her melt.
"Well, it looks like your about 8 weeks. Baby looks healthy, and I can grab some prenatals for Jo." Carina said, wiping the gel off of Jo's stomach.
"Thanks." said Alex.
Jo marveled at the screen for a moment longer, squeezing Alex's hand. She was still in shock, having had only found out she was going to be a mom a little over an hour ago, but she had never been so sure of anything in her life, other than marrying Alex.
Her baby was now the center of her world, and everything she did over the next 7 months would be centered around the tiny almond in her belly.

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Forever and a Day//JolexWhere stories live. Discover now