Chapter 7

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In the first week of her third trimester, week 28, Jo was already fed up with pregnancy. With almost 12 weeks left to go, she was getting frustrated. Between the swollen feet and ill fitting clothes, she wanted her body back. As thrilled as she was to meet her baby, and as much as she loved feeling Brooklyn kick all day long, she was ready to be done.
Alex was going away to New York for the week for a case, which Jo wasn't thrilled about either. They were always supportive of each others careers, but she was worried she would go into labor while he was on the other side of the country.
Alex had tried to find someone to cover for him on this case, but it was too last minute.
Jo was in her sweats and a tee shirt, with her hair pulled into a messy bun. She helped Alex toss the last of his things into his suitcase and waiting by the door.
"Are you sure you won't stay with Mer and the kids for the week? I don't want to leave you alone."
"I won't be. I'll be at the hospital most of the time anyway. Are you sure you have everything you need?"
"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the airport?"
"No, baby, it's okay. My cab is gonna be here any minute."
"Alright. I love you."
"I love you too." He says, giving me a kiss. Then he bends down and kisses my belly. "You stay right where you are, peanut." He grabs his bag and walks out the door.
Once Alex was gone, Jo wasn't really sure what to do with herself. She went to work, came home, ate single serving frozen meals, and went to bed. Mer and Link took turns coming over and checking on her, which she appreciated but was usually too tired or cranky to deal with.
She missed Alex laying in bed beside her, how he held her in his arms. And Brook missed him too, she just knew it. He always talked her to sleep every night, especially when she was super active while Jo was trying to get some rest.
Jo climbed into bed for the third night without Alex, and the baby was apparently feeling energized, despite Jo being exhausted. She tucked herself under the blankets and rubbed her belly, doing her best to calm her daughter down.
"Hey, sweet girl. This is your mommy." I start slowly, in a calm and soothing voice. "I am so excited to meet you in just a few more months. Your daddy and I still have a lot to figure out, but we love you so much." I feel her start to slow down a bit and become more relaxed, and I talk to her for a while longer until we both fall asleep.
In the morning, Jo got in the car and and buckled up, starting the car before she pulled out of the lot. She began to drive her normal route to work, and around half way there, she decided to say good morning to Alex. She dialed the phone at 7, or 10 o'clock New York time. The phone rang twice before Alex picked up and greeted her.
"Hey! How are my two favorite girls?" He asks.
"We're fine. We miss you, though."
"I know, I'm sorry. I'll be done here in a few days, and then I'm all yours." He said, before changing the subject. "Do you have any good surgeries scheduled for today?"
"Not really. I cut back my schedule a little bit, seeing as how I am very pregnant."
"Good. I'm glad."
"You wanna say hi?" I say, putting the phone on speaker.
"Hey, Brooklyn. I'm sorry I can't be with you and mommy right now, but I'll be back in a few days." I giggle.
"I think she knows it's you. She's bouncing around in my belly." Alex returns the laugh and I pull into the hospital. "Alright, babe. I have to go. Love you."
"I love you more."


A month after Alex's return, Jo obsessed over every last detail, from the nursery to whether or not she wanted an epidural. She was nervous about bringing Brooklyn into the world, and being a doctor, she stressed about every possible complication.
Even with a few more weeks before the due date, Jo was certain the baby was going to come any day now. Every time the baby kicked, she freaked out and convinced herself she was going into labor.
They both had the night off, a rarity these days, but Meredith asked Alex to babysit the kids and Jo decided to come along. As tired and sore as she was, she loved Mer's kids and wouldn't miss a chance to practice her parenting skills.
They had just opened the door to Merediths house when all three kids ran over to greet them. Ellis jumped into Alex's arms and Zola and Bailey ran over to Jo.
"Aunt Jo!" Zola shouted. "Is it almost time for the baby to be born?" She asked excitedly.
"Almost. Just a few more weeks and you guys are gonna have a brand new cousin."
The kids squealed and Meredith came down the stairs.
"Oh good, you guys are here. Thank you so much, the nanny couldn't make it on such short notice and Maggie and Amelia are already at the hospital. They just need to eat and then pajamas and bed. Ellis will probably beg for a bunch of bedtime stories, but just one and then lights out. Call if you need anything." She says, kissing the kids and running out the door.
"Alright. How about you guys go hang out with Jo while I get dinner started?" Alex asks.
They happily agreed and Ellis grabbed Jo's hand, dragging her into the living room to show off all of her toys.
As Alex did his best to cook something the kids would eat, Jo sat at the table coloring with the kids.
"Look, I drawed a picture for the baby!" Bailey said, showing off a colorful page of scribbles.
"Great job Bailey! She's gonna love it."
Jo noticed Ellis staring at her swollen belly and waved her over.
"You wanna feel something awesome, Elle? Put your hand right here."
She did as she was told and waited a moment, and she gasped and pulled away her hand when the baby moved. Jo burst into laughter.
"That's the baby kicking." She said.
"I wanna feel!" The other kids shouted, putting their little hands on her belly.
"Alright, Zola, why don't you put some plates on the table and Bailey can get the forks. Elle, why don't you help Jo clear the crayons off the table." Alex said.
The kids did as told, and a moment later the table was set and the kids sat down as Alex brought over a pot of  mac and cheese and a plate of hot dogs.
The 3 kids devoured their dinners and later their ice cream sundaes, and then put on their pajamas. Jo read Ellis just one bedtime story as Mer had instructed, and Alex tucked in the older kids. When everyone was asleep, the couple snuggled up on the couch like when they had first gotten together and Jo was just one of many people to live in that house.
"You good?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, just tired. Ellis asked if we could move into Maggies room." Jo replied.
"I hope our kids are as well behaved as they are." Alex laughed, taking a sip of a beer he stole from the fridge.
"Just how many kids are we having?" Jo inquired.
"Well, Brook is gonna need a brother or sister."
"Let's just start with the one."
They got to talking about the memories they shared in this house. The tree that came crashing through the window just as Alex was about to tell Jo he loved her, Jo showing up in a tinker bell costume on Halloween, Mer barging in on them to talk to Alex in the middle of the night. Nostalgia filled the air as they reminisced the beginnings of their relationship, one thing led to another, and Meredith came home a few hours later to the two of them making out on the couch.
"Jeez, get a room." She chided, pretending to be grossed out.
"Sorry. Well, the kids were great, they're asleep upstairs and everything should be taken care of. Now baby wants some pizza, so Alex is gonna take me to get some." She says, looking to Alex with puppy eyes.
"Alright, let's go. Bye, Mer." He says, walking out the door with Jo's hand in his.

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