Chapter 8

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"Okay, focus on your breathing while your partner supports you from behind." The class leader says in the front of the room. Jo and Alex were in a crowded room full of pregnant women and their partners, practicing her breathing for when she went into labor.
"I seriously think I'm gonna punch this lady in the face. Why'd we have to do the stupid class anyway?" Jo whispered.
"Carina recommended it. It's almost over, just try to focus on your.-"
"Do not finish that sentence."
Jo sat up straight on a yoga mat with Alex sitting behind her. Their fingers were intertwined and rested on Jo's baby bump.
"As you breathe out, visualize yourself exhaling all of the negative energy." The lady says.
"Alex, this is seriously so stupid."
"We're almost done. You'll be glad we did it when you go into labor."
"When I go into labor, a very large baby will be coming out of a very small hole in my body, and no amount of deep breathing will make that process any less painful."
"Point made."
Carina had told Jo to take it easy until the baby comes, but Alex knew there was no way she would stay out if the OR if she was anywhere near the hospital, so they started their leaves this week, with just 4 more to go before the due date.
"Can we just get out of here? I already know how to breathe, I've been doing it my whole life. Besides, I really need a nap."
"Fine." Alex says, not wanting to fight with his very pregnant wife. He got up and helped Jo off the ground. They walked to the back of the room quietly to avoid attracting attention to themselves.
When they get into the car, Jo says,
"How about a milkshake from Burger King?"
"I thought you were tired." He said mockingly as he started the car.
"Chocolate. Extra whipped cream."
Alex shook his head with a smile, amused at his wife's appetite, but he pulled out of the lot and drove to the near by Burger King anyway.
Alex rolled up to the drive through and ordered, and handed Jo the shake a minute later.
"Thank you." She said sweetly, leaning over the center console to give him a kiss on the cheek. They pulled away from the building, and Jo was finally content. At least for a little while, until she inevitably sent Alex back out for something else.
They drove quietly, hand in hand as usual, as Jo gulped down her drink. But then, she shrieked.
"What? Was that a contraction? Are you in labor? Should I call Carina?"
"No. Brain freeze."
Alex sighed.
As they continued to drive quietly, Jo drifted to sleep. Alex couldn't help but smile at her, her head against the window and both hands resting on her belly. He looked to the back seat of the car, where he had installed a little car seat for the baby. There was a black duffle bag beside it packed with some of both Jo and Alex's things and some baby stuff for the hospital, so that they would be all ready when she went into labor.
When they finally got to the loft 20 or so minutes later, Jo was still asleep. He didn't want to wake her since he knew how hard it had been for her to get comfortable enough to get a good nights sleep, so he carefully unbuckled her seat belt and scooped her up bridal style. He walked up the stairs to the loft and unlocked the door. Then, he carefully laid her into her spot in bed, fixing her pillows and pulling up the blanket so she wouldn't get cold.
She looked adorable, curled up in a mound of blankets, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. She was wearing a loose fitting shirt and yoga pants because anything tight seemed to bother her these days, and she hadn't bothered to apply makeup in god knows how long. It was exhausting growing a person, so people knew better than to judge.
Although Alex wasn't tired, he crawled into the bed beside Jo and curled up beside her, and she moved over so that she was pressed against him. He threw his arm around her waist and watched her inhale and exhale in even beats; she looked to quiet and still that he had to make sure she was still alive.
The only thing on Alex's mind was his girls, the only thing he cared about was being a good husband and father. The more he thought about it the crazier it seemed- he chased after the intern, the love of his life, and winded up married with a baby on the way almost 6 years later. But every single bump in the road was worth it, because now there was only one bump that mattered- baby Brooklyn.

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