Chapter 3

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Two weeks later, Jo had almost reached the end of her first trimester. Since finding out two weeks ago, the couple had chosen to keep the pregnancy to themselves until Jo was further along. Despite taking her prenatals every day and doing every little thing the stupid pregnancy books recommended, Jo was still terrified something would happen to her unborn baby.
Jo was in surgery with Hunt and Pierce on a 32 year old male who had been in a bad head-on MVC. Their patient had been unrestrained, making his injuries far more severe than they might've been if he'd followed the law. It took the team almost 40 minutes to resuscitate him before they got him to an OR, and they had already been operating for a little over 5 hours.
Jo was busy repairing the pancreas, which was the most severe of several abdominal injuries she would have to fix over the next few hours. Everything was going smoothly, until someone walked into the OR.
Jo turned to see Alex standing there with a stern look on his face, which she could see despite the mask he was holding over his mouth.
"Can I borrow Dr.Karev for a second?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure." Owen replied.
Jo was in the middle of a very complicated procedure on one of the most delicate organs you can operate on, and Alex was not helping.
She put down the instruments and left the sterile field, stepping into the scrub room to see what Alex wanted.
"Hey, I thought we said you were gonna take it easy for the next few months."
"Alex, I'm fine. Don't worry so much." She turned to leave, but Alex stopped her.
"Wait. You need to eat something."
"I'm in surgery." She said in a matter of fact way.
"Here." He said, holding a bottle of water and putting the straw into her mouth, then giving her a bite of a granola bar.
"Now can I go back to work?" She said, pleading to get back to her patient.
"Just remember, it's for the baby." He replies, giving her a quick peck before leaving. She scrubbed back in, and was in surgery for the rest of the day.
Back home at the loft, Jo was lying in Alex's arms, trying and failing to fall asleep. She was exhausted, and usually would be out like a light on a day like today. Besides, laying in bed next to Alex was her favorite place to be. She felt safest there, knew Alex would never let anything bad happen to her.
"Do you think I'm gonna be a good mom? I just keep feeling like I'm gonna... I don't know, mess our baby up. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing."
Alex said nothing for a moment, just caressed her face and looked into her eyes.
"Jo, you are the strongest, most kind, loyal woman I have ever met. You're not gonna mess the baby up. Our kid is gonna be so lucky to have you. And for the record, I know how much you love and care about it. That's more than either of our parents ever did for us. You're already an amazing mom."
Jo smiled and pulled him in for a kiss, and eventually fell asleep beside Alex with her hand on her flat belly. Alex was right. She was an amazing mom.

At 12 weeks, the end of the first trimester, the morning sickness was finally starting to slow. Jo was glad to be done with the constant nausea and mood swings, but she was already gaining weight and had quite the appetite.
She was still in bed when Alex came in and gave her a kiss on the head. "Morning beautiful," he said, putting a glass of water next to the bed. "How do you feel today?"
"Come back to bed, I'm cold." She whined, wrapping the comforter tightly around herself.
"We've got work, I let you sleep for as long as I could." he said, laughing, before going back into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.
"I made eggs and toast, but we also have those weird toaster strudel things you like if you want something sweet." He said from the other room, getting out two mugs for the both of them.
Jo finally pulled herself out of bed, stretching and reaching for a pair of jeans and a shirt that she had left out the night before. She pulled off her pajama shirt, which was really just one of Alex's tee's that she stole, and grabbed the glass of water to take a sip.
As she stood up in front of the mirror to try on her outfit, something surprised her, causing her to drop the glass on the floor.
She noticed the beginnings of a small baby bump, and placed her hand on her newly rounded belly.
At the sound of the glass breaking, Alex rushes into the room to see her standing in a bra, looking at her reflection.
"What the hell happened? Are you okay?" he takes a closer look at her and smiles. "You're showing."
"Yeah." She said with a smile. Alex came up from behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist, rubbing her belly and giving Jo a kiss on the back of her neck.
"Hey, baby. It's daddy."

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