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Meulin sat up in bed and stretched. it was a sunny Tuesday morning, and she smelled flowers on the breeze. What a nice way to start the day, she thought.

Meulin stretched again and rubbed her eyes. She let out a big yawn and waited for her mother to come get her out of bed. Her motto was: if you don't have to get out of bed, don't.

Shortly Mrs. Leijon came into the room. She smiled and clapped her hands together, obviously pleased that Meulin was already up. What would you like for breakfast, Meulin? she signed. Meulin rolled her eyes "Mother, I told you to talk normally. I need to learn how to read lips." Meulin signed back.

Meulin's mother frowned but complied. She knew how much Meulin worked to catch up with the other kids. The kids with working ears. "Ok then, Meulin, what would you like for breakfast?"

Meulin smiled at her mothers effort. Yogurt and granola, please, she signed again. Her mother smiled and nodded, exiting the room. Meulin slipped out of bed, landing softly on the floor. Her younger sister, Nepeta, came running into the room. Meulin smiled and picked her up. They touched noses.

Nepeta, who understood that her sister could not hear, yet did not know sign language, pointed at Meulin's dresser. Meulin nodded, knowing that Nepeta meant she wanted to pick out Meulin's clothes for her.

Even at only 8 years old,Nepeta's fashion sense was already impeccable. She quickly pulled out a green, long sleeved collared shirt and a knee-length black skirt.

Meulin clapped her hands in approval and pulled the clothes on. Nepeta smiled a wide grin. She took Meulin's hand and led her to the kitchen, where her yogurt was waiting.

Meulin gulped down the yogurt and rushed to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she growled at her unruly hair. She picked up the large comb on the counter and attempted at taming her mane.

After Meulin had got it almost presentable, she dropped the comb on the counter. She then brushed her teeth thoroughly, dragging it out as long as she could.

Meulin loved to brush her teeth. The electric toothbrush sent vibrations through her head that felt like sounds. As she always said, the illusion of sound is better than no sound at all.

When it was time to leave for school, she was oddly ready. She never was fully ready, always lagging, not wanting to go. But today was different.

She gathered her things and went out to the car, where her mother and sister were already waiting. The ride to school was fast and easy.

When they pulled into the Westbrook Junior High 8th Grade North Wing building's parking lot, Meulin sighed. Even if she was ready, school was always a challenge.

All the same, she kissed her mother and sister goodbye, and walked into the building.

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