Part 1 | Vortex

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A/N: Hey everybody! It's SJ! Thank you so much for giving this book a chance..... again. Here is the first chapter. Hope you really enjoy it! Sorry it's so short.

Chapter 1 ⭐️ Eryn Wolf

I ran as fast as I could. Water splashing under my foot and my saddle bag flopping against my waist. The warm bread squeezed in the clutches of my hand. The rain splashed hard against my face. "Hey! You come back here girl! Get back here!" Master Valexo yelled as he ran to catch me.

    I increased my pace in wild fear. I ran through the narrow streets of Glester. The barracks were just a few paces from here. I just had to get inside and hand this bread so I could give this bread to little Reggan. But just when the Barracks came into my view, rough and thick hands clasped my arms and pulled me back stopping from giving the food.

No..... I was so close! I kicked and screamed. But the iron grip remained the same, if not stronger. "Let me go!" I screamed. "Stop! STOP!" He yelled at me in warning, but in stupidity I didn't listen and he gave a sharp slap to my face. The pain pricked like a sharp needle. It took a few minutes for me to get my bearings right again. I could hear a faint ringing in my ear, everything else a blur.

   He pulled me along to the exodus. It was the place where every exidian, an orphan, meets their worst nightmare. I struggled to get out of his grip, but it was useless. We entered the circular chamber. The place was in shambles with the wood hanging from the ceiling. The room was small with a two boys standing in the center, they wore ragged clothes and had skinny bodies with barely any skin on their backs. Fear gripped me as I realised that my punishment for stealing from our little stash of bread was a whipping. I already had so many slashes from the previous whippings, and now I was going to have new marks on my scarred back. Master Valexo pushed me forward as if sensing my reluctance.

   The two boys gripped my hands, "Why did you steal the bread?" Valexo asked.

I shut my mouth and didn't tell him my motives. He was a bloody devil. Making us work like worthless dirt.

Little Reggie had been suffering to finish her labour and not being able to eat food because of, so I had stolen the load of bread not being able to bear the way Reggie was suffering. He continued to stare at me, anger molten in his crazy eyes.

    But instead of telling the real reason, I lied. "I wanted to sell the bread for some extra denarai."

   He didn't buy my lie for a second. "Pfft. Please! If you tell the truth then I might spare you some of the lashes." When I remained silent and plastered a defiant expression across my face, he smirked and said, "Twenty lashes for the number of denarii that the bread cost." The defiant expression disappeared from my face replaced by a look of utter fear.

     Valexo took out his whip and tested it out once, the sharp snap cut through the air like a knife. An evil grin creeped up his face as he raised his whip, I was pushed down. I took a deep breath and bit my lip hard as the whip made its first contact with my back.

   Pain cut through my back as I felt it spreading through my body, and before the pain could even numb a little the second strike hit my back. I cried out in pain and my eyes filled with water. The pain was agonising and was so hard to bare. On the fourth strike I fell down on my knees. I screamed and screamed until my throat was dry, my whole body was shaking with effort and time seemed to go on forever.

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