Part 3 | Ain't no pretty Girl

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Dedicated to NavyaRao915

A/N : Don't play the song I have put until I say so, For effect,

Chapter 3 ⭐️ Eryn Wolf

I lugged the big heavy package down from my horse. This batch of crops was to be given to Old man Dellary. Our main dealer. I was to go give him this in exchange for the bag of gold coins which was for Valexo. With the hood pulled over my face I walked through the streets of Milenia, one of the wealthier cities Of Cleon. My back still ached from the whipping I received just 2 days ago. My wound were dressed just before I left, but now I could feel the sticky cloth peeling off my scars. Sweat gleamed heavily on my forehead. Each breath was getting harder to take, holding this heavy sack in my hands, my legs were barely able to support me. The sun stayed high in the sky mercilessly glowering down on me.

"Argh!" I grunted. That Asshole. Valexo knew that today was going to be the solar eclipse and yet he went on to send me. Riding on my horse Zevlin was tiring enough. Waking up at the crack of dawn, collecting the package and then setting out on a 6 hour journey since Glester was on the outskirts of the kingdom. My muscles were aching from yesterday's labour. Master Valexo made it a point that I wasn't going to escape my sin, if you even called what I did a sin, very easily. As punishment he had made me plot the fields with no afternoon meal and continuous labour till late night when and finally could eat my dinner. It was awful.

  I looked around at the massive villas lining the streets and the people walking around with expensive clothes. Thay were all walking with the latest footwear while my riding boots were tearing again at the soles. I was going to have to stich it again later. I followed the directions Valexo had given me and.found my self standing in front of a massive bungalow. Two security gaurds stood like stone outside the tall gates. When I stepped.forward, the gaurds put heir Spears together blocking my way. "What buisness do you have that seems to be so important as to interfere in Sir Dellary's day." One asked, his voice inhumanly deep.

   "I come bearing this season's crops from Valexo Galcius of Glester. It is the best of the best and I am here to collect the gold that your lord promised us in exchange for the crops." I said, my tone mimicking theirs. The other gaurd checked the package, and nodded at the other. They shared a look when both of them stepped aside and opened the gates for me pass through. I sighed, every time I was always the one on delivery duty. Every time Dellary had posted new gaurds.

I walked into the house, the sight still managing to awe me despite the number of times I had visited it. There were different paintings and murals hanging on the walls. I winced as I noticed a painting of a little girl. It had been Reggan's favourite painting. She would often accompany me to this place and pay a visit. The painting reminded me too much of her and the freshly closed wound opened up again, the pain striking my heart like a hot sharp knife. A big fat tear rolled down my cheek and traced its way to the floor.

   The sack was getting harder to hold, with my grip slipping by the minute. My back ached like crazy. My thin shirt was starting to stick the bloody wound. My legs started to shake from the weight, I needed to finish this delivery quickly. The quicker I would get this hell of a job done the quicker I could get to the rations I left with my horse. I set the sack down and took a breath. I quickly wiped the tear path that had streaked my face. Picking up the package I took a series of turns and claimed two flights of stairs before reaching a room on the top floor with a plaque which read "STUDY". Finally! I knocked on the door, once.... Twice. Then I heard a muffled voice yell, "Come in!"

Pushing the door open with my free hand, I walked in. I walked straight to the empty bench that lay in the corner, then I looked Old man Dellary. That's what we called him back at the Exodus. He was a man in mid fifties, with thick and heavy glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. His scraggly white beard was always messy unlike other nobles. His bald head gleamed in the sunlight. With a quill in his hand he always seemed to be writing a letter to someone.

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