Part 4 | Shades Of The Night

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Dedicated to anishka_1786
A/N: Hope you Like this new chapter! Sorry for the late update.

Chapter 4 🌖 Leon Ophion

"Push Harder!" Sam yelled.

    Clang! My sword hit against his. We had been sparring for the past hour now and sweat was furiously rolling down my neck and my arms sore from swinging my heavy sword at least a million times. It had been 4 days since the incident at Bream, and I had been distracting myself by doing extreme sparring with Sam. He seemed delighted to do so, since apparently his days were so boring.

    I wish mine were as boring as his. For the past two days, I had been stuck in several council meetings with the cabinet, discussing the budget of the country. The amount to be spent on medicines to help the plague victims. It had been spreading at a more rapid rate, killing more and more of our people. So many scientists and healers have been trying to find a cure for this plague, but with no luck. To worsen matters, Felocia our enemy kingdom had managed to defeat a group of our Cleoni soldiers in a battle at a village at the borders.

The entire village had been wiped out by the Felocians. Those people honestly had no heart, to think massacring and entire village consisting of women, men and children, it was utterly disgusting. I had sent the royal investigator to investigate the state of the village. And the reply had not been good. Our economy was slowly depleting, with the heap loads of money spent on warfare weapons and medicines and failed experiments for the cure for the plague. Between trying to figure all this out and the public appearance, and not to mention the stressing over the response over the screw up at Bream, I was literally on the verge of insanity.

CLANG! I pushed my sword harder against Sam's, but he easily deflected the blow.

"HARDER!" He yelled, frustrated.

"I'm trying" I grunted, as I gave another swing.

My muscles were stiff from the long sparring sessions, and my core was tired. Sweat was trickling down the name of my neck, tickling me a little. He pushed back and shoved me a little. I stumbled back, but regained my stance again and charged. I vented out all my frustration in one big swing and that was enough. It pushed Sam's blade out of his hands, and he fell back on his ass. He looked dumbfound for a second, but then a huge grin was plastered across his face.

"Now that's what I am talking about!" He yelled, and pulled himself up, taking my hand. I grinned at him, I was seriously tired now. Sam looked at me with concern etched on his face, "What's going on Leo? Is everything okay?" I let out a deep exhale and a Low laugh rumbled in my throat. Fine, was the complete opposite of what I was feeling right now. With the constant fear of my little screw up getting screwed up, I was almost always stressed. With the added work load I'm pretty sure I would snap soon enough.

"You tell me Sam" I said to him.

"Well that can't be good. Were the council meetings that bad?"

I shook my head, "It's so bad right now Sam. An entire village was wiped out by those bastard assholes Felocians. An entire village! What kind of sick person would do that? I mean honestly don't they have a little heart. A little compassion or even emotions for that matter?!" I yelled in disgust.

Sam was silent for some time then his face scrunched in deep thought, "I heard a group of old men saying that the Felocians are taught to kill and murder from the age of ten winters!"
I felt sick right now. My stomach seemed to be rolling in disgust.

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