Episode 1: Show me the Way (Pt. 2)

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It's raining much harder than it was before.

When I turn back, Izaac meets my eyes with a look of surprise on his face.

Izaac: "Fine, whatever. Have it your way. "

Izaac says and pushes the button to close the door.

The taxi finally drives off, leaving me standing there in the rain.

I move underneath the eaves of a building to avoid the rain.

"What a giant asshole! I was just trying to have a conversation! "

Izaac: "I don't need your sympathy. Not your pity for that matter. "

His cold words ring in my ears.

(Maybe I just wanted to let him see we have some things in common.)

I feel both frustrated and sorry for myself, which only adds to my sour mood.

It starts raining even harder.

I could try to flag down another cab, but I already know it won't be easy in this weather.

(Whatever. I'll just walk home.)

As I start off in the rain, a limousine approaches and comes to a stop.

(Could that be...?)

The rear window rolls down, and Marc sticks his head out.

Marc: "Hey, I thought it was you, [Y/N]. "

"Marc... "

It's Alex's limousine.

He sitting behind Marc.

Alex: "Weren't you with Izaac? "

"Um... "

I hesitate, not knowing how to respond.

Marc: "Did he tried to pull something? "

Marc asks me as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"No, it's not that... "

Alex: "Whatever it is, why don't you get in? You're soaking wet. "

"Thanks. "

I hop in after Alex insists.

Glancing back, I saw someone's looking over our way.

(Could he be Izaac?)

Marc: "Well, what happened? "

"Oh, um..."

The car starts off slowly, and his figure disappears in the dark.

Thanks to Alex and Marc picking me up, I somehow make it home before curfew.

Two weeks have passed since the Kiss On the Lips Party, and things have been hectic.

I'm slowly getting used to life at Constance Billard. The lessons here are a little harder than I expected, but I'm slowly catching up.

I step into the courtyard during break time and run into Serena.

"Hi, Serena. "

Serena: "Hi, [Y/N]. "

She looks a little down.

"Did something happen? "

Serena: "Yeah. I kind of got into a fight with Blair... "

Apparently, during P.E. Serena and Blair got into a loud five while playing hockey.

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