Episode 4: Right or Wrong (Pt. 2)

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Crowds of people are at the door.

Stepping away from everyone, I make my way over to the fence and lean myself against it, watching people as they pass in and out.

Up ahead a little, it looks like there's another person standing there.


He hears me and turns towards me.

Nate: "Hi."

I move forward closer towards him.

Nate: "What are you doing out here?"

"I got a little tired."

Nate: "Me too."

"Oh, right. Blair said she is looking for you."

Nate: "Yeah, I know."

"You two are playing a game, right?"

Nate: "Yeah, did she told you about it?"

"No, I heard it from Serena. I'm not that close with Blair."

Nate: "I see. Well, it's not like Blair's the friendliest person."

(Why would he say something like that about his girlfriend?)

I look at Nate, slightly bewildered.

Nate: "So, what do you think about Blair?"

"What do you mean?"

The question comes out of nowhere. I'm not sure how to respond.

If I'm completely honest, I don't like her at all.

"We don't get along so well."

I guess it's better, to tell the truth.

"I'm sorry, I know she's your girlfriend, but-"

Nate: "It's alright."

Nate says with a little smile.

Nate: "I get it. She can be a lot to handle. I know that very well."

"I hate to admit it, but there's a part of me that jealous of her."

Nate: "What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters, she always speaks her mind, regardless of the consequences and she's very brave."

Nate: "I guess you have a point."

"She must really like you though."

Nate: "How so?"

"I mean, she planned something really special for you. It's kind of sweet. I bet she wants you to find her as soon as possible."

Nate: "Yeah."

But Nate doesn't seem like he's going anywhere soon.

"Shouldn't you go?"

Nate: "I don't really feel like playing her game tonight."

(I wonder if it's because he's worried about his dad?)

He's probably got a lot on his mind right now. I could definitely understand if he's not in the mood to party right now.

Nate looks at his watch and says,

Nate: "My parents are meeting with Blair's mom right about now."

"Blair's mom?

Nate: " You've heard of Eleanor Waldorf, right?"

"Sure. She's a famous fashion designer. I heard she's going to have an exclusive line at Bendel's"

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