Episode 3: Playing with Fire (Pt. 2)

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"Hey, Blair."

I called out, moving towards them.

Blair: "Oh, you're here too?"

Jenny: "[Y/N]! Hi!"

Jenny seems more hyper than usual, which makes me wonder if she's already had a few drinks.

"I thought tonight was your sleepover?"

Blair: "It's not exactly a sleepover, but more like a party. And right now we're in the middle of a game."

"What game?"

Jenny: "Truth or dare!"

Blair: "I just finished my dare. I totally seduced that idiot over there."

Apparently, her kiss with that guy before was just part of the game.

Blair: "Care to join us?"

"Thanks, but no thanks."

Blair: "Have it your way."

I move away from Blair and turn towards Eric to greet him.

"Hey, Eric. You look like you're in a good mood."

Eric: "Yeah, I kind of am."

"Having fun?"

A slightly bitter smile appears on Eric's face, and he replies,

Eric: "Actually, I'm not even supposed to be here."

"What do you mean?"

Eric: "My mom didn't let me go home. Despite how my counselor said it would be better for me."

"I'm so sorry Eric..."

Serena was upset her mom was hiding Eric in an institution because of what everyone would think. I don't know the whole story, but their mom definitely strikes me as being a little unfair.

Eric: "Jenny and Blair broke me out of the center, and brought me here with them."

"They did, huh..."

Suddenly, Eric's face appears more animated.

I guess a night out like this is way more interesting than being locked inside the center. Blair and her friends seem to be enjoying themselves too.

Blair: "It's your turn next, Jenny."

Blair takes out a phone and holds it out for everyone to see.

Jenny: "It's that guy's phone is it?"

Apparently, she slipped it into her pocket while they were kissing.

Blair: "Why don't you give his girlfriend a call? Her name's Amanda."

Jenny doesn't hesitate to grab the phone from her call.

Jenny: "Hello? Amanda? Hi, this is Bl-Claire. I just had my tongue down your boyfriend's throat..."

Blair and her friends giggle in the background while Jenny speaks.

"Jenny's got guts."

Eric: "She does. Way more than Blair's other friends."

When Jenny hangs up, everyone cheers.

She replies confidently,

Jenny: "That was too easy."

Blair: "You think so? If that's the case, why don't I give you the same dare you gave me?"

"The same one?"

Blair: "Go find and seduce the best looking guy here."

For a moment Jenny doesn't seem so sure of herself. Then she smiles and says,

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