Episode 9: Chivalry, Manhattan Style. (Pt. 1)

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I hear voices coming from somewhere. I try to open my eyes, but my eye lids feel so heavy.

(Where am I?)

These sheets feel different than usual.

(Why do I feel like my head's spinning? Oh...)

My head feels fuzzy and heavy, but I start to remember bits and pieces of what happened. I went to a yacht party with Izaac and the guys... I lost at poker, gulped down a ton of champagne, and then...

Marc: "Is she asleep?"

Izaac: "Yeah, out like a light. She probably won't wake up until morning."

It seems like Marc and Izaac are talking about me. I can hear people still partying in the lounge. There's no sign that the boat's moving, so we must have returned to the dock.

Marc: "So are you going to stay here the whole time, watching out for her while she sleeps?"

Izaac: "Maybe. What if someone goes in there and does something to her?"

Marc: "Wait. So you have a completely defenseless girl waiting for you in bed, and you're just going to sit and watch, huh? I didn't know you were that much of a gentleman."

He says in a teasing tone.

Izaac: "Unlike you, I know better than to force myself on helpless women. Besides, this is all your fault, anyway!"

Marc: "I didn't! She drank it all on her own. You're the one who talked into it!"

Izaac: "She's nothing but trouble..."

He mutters.

Marc: "Really? Because it looked to me like you were having a pretty good time with her."

Izaac: "Me? Don't be an idiot."

Marc stops chuckling for a moment and turns to say in serious tone...

Marc: "Maybe, but I think you should try putting yourself a little more out there, you know?"

Izaac: "What are you talking about? It's not like I'm alone or anything."

Marc: "I don't mean fooling around with a bunch of girls you don't care about. You get the point... Maybe you should try going out with someone you care about for once."

Izaac: "Are you high?"

Marc: "No! Dammit, I'm just trying to have a real conversation here. All I'm saying is, relationships, are kind of like poker; it's way more exciting if you risk everything and just go all in."

Izaac: "Okay. You're high. What did you take that made you so sappy?"

Izaac doesn't seem to get a word of what Marc is saying.

Marc: "Dammit dude, you're impossible to talk to."

Izaac: "Anyway, what happened to the girl you were with?"

Marc: "Oh, her. She went home with her boyfriend."

Izaac: "She did, huh? Sounds like a keeper."

Marc: "We were both having fun. You can't be serious all the time right?"

He says with a hint of embarrassment.

Marc: "But [Y/N], she's not like that."

Izaac: "What do you mean?"

Marc: " She's not just looking some fun. If I were you, I'd take things more seriously with her."

Izaac: "How many times do I have to tell you there's nothing going between us?"

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