Chapter 17

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Gaira let out a long sigh that was half growl. "Simon, I fucking swear, if you keep pulling your punches..."

"Sorry," Simon said. "Not punching my lover in the face is just this strange reflex that I have."

Lover. Danya liked that. They hadn't really discussed what they were to one another, but he would gladly take 'lover'.

"Well, try again, you sentimental shit."

It was nice doing this at night by the light of the large fire set up in the middle of camp while the others all chatted and watched. Danya had worried at first that he might embarrass himself in front of the more experienced Soldiers, but none of them seemed to look down on him for his lack of skill. They understood he had led a very different life from them. Even Gaira, who wasn't at all a gentle teacher, had nothing but praise for him when it came to his progress.

"Okay, I'm going to try to hit you properly," Simon warned.

Danya squared up his stance. "I'm ready."

As Simon's fist moved towards him Danya brought his shield up, then staggered back a step when the hit landed. He hadn't been as ready as he'd thought. When he wasn't holding back, Simon was a good bit stronger than Gaira.

Danya took a second to adjust his stance, picture in his mind the changes he needed to make to his shield, then nodded to Simon. He swung again.

After a while they fell into a steady rhythm of strike and defence. It was oddly relaxing and immensely satisfying to simply allow himself to react through reflex instead of thought.

The briefest brush of something at the edge of his mind pulled Danya's attention away and sent goosebumps cascading down his spine. And then he was on the ground and he tasted blood and he realised he'd forgotten to shield.

Simon swore and knelt beside him. "Danya, are you okay?"

Danya licked at the split in his lip. "Yeah. Sorry, I got distracted." He shut his eyes for a moment and extended his senses out, but he could feel nothing out of the ordinary. "I think I need a break."

"Why don't you two go down to the river and clean up?" Gaira suggested.

She knew very well that Danya could clean up perfectly fine with his magic. What she was really granting them was a little while alone so that Simon could stop looking quite so worried and upset. Danya offered her a grateful smile that stung the split in his lip and nodded.

Simon pulled Danya to his feet and he dusted off his new pants. Danya had hated the feel of them at first, but he was starting to get used to them and even appreciate how much easier they were to move around in when he was training. Besides, Simon seemed to enjoy the way they moulded to the curve of his ass.

Danya threw up a ball of magelight and they began to weave their way down the narrow path that led to the river. Once they were out of view of the camp, Simon stopped Danya and tilted his chin up towards the light.

"Hmm," Simon said. "Show me your teeth."

Danya pulled his lips back.

Simon tilted Danya's head from side to side and then released his chin and nodded. "Superficial. I am still sorry, though."

"It was my fault. I lost focus."

"I suppose Gaira was right, anyway. If we go too easy on you, you won't be ready when it comes to a real fight."

Danya smiled. "Though I do like it when you fuss over me."

Simon grinned back. "Oh, good. I tried the same thing on Hamish when we were younger and he was not impressed."

Frayed Ties (Ties, Book 1) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now