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Third person POV:


"OH HELL NO!" Ritchie and Brandon both yelled in unison.

"WHY MUST IT BE ME!!!" Brandon asked.

"What is wrong with you shippers..." Mitch mumbled.

"I have no idea" Pat muttered.

"But there brothers" Bjorn protested.

David laughed. "Brandon x Ritchie!? Haha!"

"It's called brotherly love~"

"Well yeah but still they are already related" Dream said.

"Guys you do realize that this is a crack ship right?"

"Crack ships are so annoying" Michael mumbled.

"Yeah I know they can but its funny!"

"What's next Lo Pho x Water?" Silver joked.


"Well then that's all for today's chapter. Make sure to leave more shipping suggestions in the comments section down below! Sour out!"

Fairytail Origins reacts to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now