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Third person POV:

"Read the title then play the song. You already know my answer."

"Okay what's the crack ship this time?" Dream asked.

"Cinnamon roll x angry snek boi"

"Mitch x which unfortunate soul?" Colin asked.

"The cinnamon roll Jakey."

"This ship is terrible" Bryan replied.

"The ship has no foundation at all. Made out of nothing other than complete randomness. I don't see why you would even bother shipping this" Marshie said.

"Opposites attract?" Josh suggested.

"Not all opposites attract. Some aren't compatible in this case a good example would be the Mitchey ship. An example of opposites attracting each other is the Dreamer ship, Dream x Silver."

"But Dream and Silver are thieves so how would that be opposites attracting each other?" Kay asked confused.

"I would explain it to you but that would be breaking the fourth wall."

"The fourth wall has already been broken" Jakey replied.

"True but... wait were going off topic here. Jakey, Mitch your final answers to this ship???"

They both held up a sign which read the words no. Sour sighed in relief.

"Anyways that's all for today's chapter! Hope you all enjoyed it! Sour out!"

Fairytail Origins reacts to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now