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Third person POV:

"And now the moment you've all been waiting for (or at least some of you have been waiting for... David x Inmo!"

"NANI!?!?" David and Inmo yelled shocked.

"David x Inmo...?" Silver muttered.

"I mean they get along well" Mario replied.

"Okay Inmo I declare you as my enemy from this day onwards. Because if I do that the fandom won't ship us anymore!" David replied.

"Roger that my mortal enemy!" Inmo said.

"Bruh. You know that won't stop the fandom from shipping you guys right?"

"Anything is possible" Michael replied.

"Eh I'll let the viewers decide that"

"So are you going to end the chapter yet?" Inmo asked.

"Inmo.... the fourth wall (-_-")"

"The fourth wall has already been broken" Inmo replied.


"So we all agreeing Dinmo should sink?" Bjorn asked.

"Yup!" They all replied.

"Hmmm. Great! Well anyways that's all for today's chapter! Make sure to leave more shipping suggestions in the comments section down below! Sour out!"

And now for the hugs!




Feel free to go and give any character a hug!

Fairytail Origins reacts to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now