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Third person POV:

"Aw! this ship would be cute!"

"Shipping inanimate objects with another inanimate object!? You shippers are crazy" Mitch muttered.

"Don't ask Mitch, you'll regret the day you mess with the shippers!"

"I already have" Mitch replied.

"Sooooo what do you all think of Kirby x Oliver?"

"Kirby x Oliver!!?" Jakey said.

"YUP! Jakey do you approve of this?"

"Well I guess... but that all depends on Oliver" Jakey replied staring down at his furry little friend. Oliver looked up at him.

"Ocho!" he replied.

Jakey smiled. "I think that means yes"


"I guess it is" Bryan replied.


Kirby said nothing.

"He said yes end of discussion" 

"Okayyy...???" They said sweatdropping.

"Well that's all for today's chapter! Hope you all enjoyed it! Sour out!"

Fairytail Origins reacts to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now