Trainging With The Ozunu

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Two months Lily and Lincoln began their training with the Ozunu, Lincoln got better in the art of ninjutsu everyday even if Lily is just two years old she got better on her ninjitsu skills by mimicking Lincoln and the skills of other ninjas in the the dojo of the Ozunu.

Weeks went by, Lily got better in Ninjitsu skills and began to study mixed martial arts to perfect her skills in combat so that she can make her big brother proud but just like weeks went by, Lily began to see Lincoln as her father than her big brother since he's always been there for her unlike those Louds who neglected both Lincoln and herself for being so-called disappointments but she's determined to be much more even though her training was over for the day Lily remained training until Lincoln came to her and said.

Lincoln: Lily come on time to go home

Lily: Not yet five more minutes

Lincoln: Um ok, Raizo do you know what's up with my Lily

Raizo: Actually I have no clue she's been training non stop, repeating "I need to make him proud of me"

Lincoln: That's strange?

Lily: Ok Linky I'm ready to go

Lincoln: Ok, see ya Raizo

Raizo: See ya kids

Raizo knew something that Lincoln didn't know is that Lily is the one that an old Ozunu prophecy has telling about that one ninja warrior will rise from the others and defeat the renegade ninja clans and save them all.

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