The Prophocey

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While Lily was training in the Ozunu dojo, Lincoln was fighting along his fellow ninja of the nine clans against the renegades with Lincoln's leadership the nine clans were defeating the renegades base by base until one day during an ambush, Lincoln & Raizo became the hunted the renegades ambushed them.

Renegade Ninja Leader: Prepare to die Ozunu

Raizo: No!

Lincoln: Raizo I'm coming!

Lincoln saved Raizo right on time and retreaded into the forest where they found a cave to hide.

Lincoln: Are you alright Raizo?

Raizo: Yeah I'm ok

Lincoln & Raizo saw that inside the cave there symbols in the walls & a girl who looks just like Lily but as a teenager.

Lincoln: This is strange, she looks just my Lily

Raizo: It'a an old prophocey Lincoln told by generations long forgotting it tells of one ninja will rise among the others and lead them to victory

Lincoln: So you're saying that the chosen one is my little Lily?

Raizo: I don't know I can't predict the future

Lincoln: Ok well looks like the Renegades have given up, are you sure that you're ok?

Raizo: Yeah

Lincoln & Raizo returned to the dojo & saw that Lily has gotten better and better in her skills in combat, Lincoln finally saw that she's is the chosen one that the prophecy has been talking for centuries & generations.

Lily: Hi Linky

Lincoln: Hi Lily have been doing better during your training

Lily: Yes daddy *gasps* I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that

Lincoln: *Hugs Lily* don't be because I am your daddy

Lily The Ninja MasterWhere stories live. Discover now