One- I died?

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I huffed as I jumped from rooftop to the next, chasing Ferdinand Moran, a notorious Italian mobster and seller of women. That's right, this dirty little shit was the first of ninety nine targets I missed. I wasn't supposed to miss but my gun jammed.

I was furious chasing this man and since my gun was jammed, I was trying to fix it while running, I know- stupid idea. I finally got the gun unjammed and fired at Ferdinand three times, his body falls to the ground before I even fire the third round. I quickly rush to him and kick him over, so I could see his ugly face.

"You fucking bitch," He coughs up blood, eyes rolling back in his head.

"Aww, tell Satan I said hi," I wink and let out the last of my bullets into his brain, "Disgusting prick."

I spit and turn away from him, letting out a deep sigh. Another day, another dirtbag. 

I jump off the building onto an awning, I slide down and land on the ground feet first. A group of kids playing soccer in the street notice me, I smile and wave before running back to where my bike was.

Mötley Crüe's Kickstart My Heart starts to play from my phone and I quickly pull it out and answer, "Yes?"

"Did you get him?" My partner, Clair's voice rings through the phone.

"Of course I did," I say and hear her chuckle.

"You missed the first shot," She points out and I scoff.

"My  gun jammed," I say as I reach my bike and hop on, "I'll see you in a little."

Before she can get another word in I hang up and start my bike. The exhaust roars against the walls of the alley I had the bike parked in. I quickly drive off towards the hotel where Clair is waiting for me.

When I get to the hotel I park my bike next to Clairs and notice a piece of gum wrapper on the floor. Somethings wrong. Clair always chews gum but leaves a wrapper if something's wrong, she hates litter. She always keeps it in her pocket and drops it if something's up.

I quickly rush inside and into the elevator. A man in a blue suit is waiting inside the elevator. I stand next to him and go to push my floor but it's already pressed. I look at the man and he doesn't meet my eyes. I scowl and let out a breath.

"You guys are fucking stupid," I say and send an elbow into his throat and a heel into his foot.

He groans and I quickly get behind him and put him in a chokehold, knocking him out and laying him on the floor of the elevator. When we reach my floor it reeks of cigars and pasta sauce. I roll my eyes and step out of the elevator. Men in blue suits line the hallway guarding the door to our room.

"Y'all picked the wrong people to fuck with," I call out before charging them.

I slide under the first very large man and uppercut his ballsack. He yells out in pain and quickly falls over. I take down the next guy with a leg sweep and punch him square in the nose, blood spurts out and I hit him with my elbow quickly after, knocking him out. Another man comes at me with a gun. I push his arm up and he fires into the ceiling, screams are heard around us as I pull apart the gun and stab him in the neck with the barrel. He falls and I turn to see the big guy from earlier swinging a pistol towards my face. Everything goes blurry as I fall over and everything goes black.

I wake up in the hotel room; Clair and I are tied up on chairs, our backs to each other. The side of my head is throbbing from where he pistol whipped me earlier. I groan as my vision focuses on the big man.

"We chose the wrong people to fuck with you say?" The big man sits on a couch in front of me, holding a bag of ice to his balls, making me smile.

"Do your nuts hurt?" I laugh and kick my feet into the chair.

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