Five- The Blood Witch

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Scarlett's POV

When I drained all my powers to banish God to hell I never imagined what would happen to me. I expected to cease to exist. Instead I'm stuck in this limbo. Good news, I gained all of my memories, every last one of them.

I remember my mom, Angelica, she was the best mom in the world. She was so scared of me and my powers but she never put me down or made me feel bad about being different. When I died from the bear attack I was 15 and she was so heartbroken that she killed herself. When that happened the rules for heaven and hell were still normal. If you sinned you went to hell, there was no choice. My mom went to hell and we saw each other again. Demigods are allowed to go between heaven and hell whenever they want, I chose hell because I knew my mom was there because I saw her kill herself before I fully passed on. 

We spent ages down in hell together, I even formed a relationship with Lucifer. He loved me so deeply and I wanted nothing more than to be with him forever. Eventually my mom disappeared and I was reborn. I never found out what happened to her but I knew around this time was when God changed the rules of heaven and hell, giving humans a choice.

When I was reborn I had no memories of my past life or family or my time in hell. My new family was terrified of me. I had less powers than I did in my first lifetime but even the smallest amount is more than what any normal human could do. They sent me to a boarding school for kids just like me. I never saw them again. 

At that school I met Asmodesus, we fell in love. I always believed he was mind fucking me and our relationship was just because of his ability to make anyone fall for him. One day he told me that I was one of the most powerful humans on Earth and his powers couldn't affect me, only humans. I had no idea I was a Demigod so I still didn't believe him, I thought it was just another line. He ended up getting me pregnant and before I could get through 4 months the school was attacked by demons and witches and I was killed. 

I found out, when I chose hell again, that Lilith sent them because Lucifer found out about Asmodesus and I. Lucifer didn't ask Lilith to do what she did, she just assumed it would make him want her. I was so confused about my feelings when I went to hell that I stayed away from everyone for years. The only person I wanted see was Astaroth because he didn't care about the love triangle or who I wanted to chose he just wanted to be a friend and be there for me. 

I ended up choosing Asmodesus because I was so hurt about losing our child and I realized that he wasn't using his powers on me and our feelings were genuine. I also still didn't really have my full memories from my life and afterlife before, so in my head I loved Asmodesus and I just knew before I loved Lucifer because of what I was told. Lucifer avoided me for most of my time in hell this time because he blamed himself for my death and he wanted to give me a shot at happiness even if it wasn't with him. I saw him a few years before I left and it was so hard keeping that distance and seeing how hurt he was that I didn't chose him. 

Even though it was hard, we created a plan to stop this madness God caused when he banished Lucy to hell. We were supposed to help him see the true purpose of his existence, help him return to the old God that everyone loved, not this monster he turned into.

Then I was reborn again and I don't remember my parents or anything about where I came from or that I had powers. I was trained from infancy to adulthood to be a weapon for the Children of War. Until I escaped and was hunted until I was killed again. So when I died and chose hell again, God was so angry he waged war between heaven and hell. Lucifer had no choice but to break the ultimate rule and show me my past lives. 

When God created the new heaven and hell and reincarnation, he only had one real rule and that was the angels and demons cannot reveal the human's past lives. Lucifer knew that was the only way to save us though. When he revealed my memories I knew our plan wouldn't work because I knew God was too powerful and too cocky to simply change his mind. 

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