Three- Afterlife

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I wake up with no hangover even though I was absolutely trashed last night. I also am not hungry not even a little bit. I get out of bed and notice I took off all of my clothes in my sleep, so I'm naked and covered in chills. How do I not have any human feelings but I can get cold?

I go over to the closet and throw on a sweater and some ripped jeans. I go into the bathroom and wash my face, and brush my hair and teeth. Just as I'm finishing up there's a knock on my door.

I open it and see Cara standing there with a huge smile on her face, "Yes! You're awake. Can I come in?"

I nod and open the door further and she hesitates for a minute, "I forgot, Yeah come in."

"I hate that shit, but it protects the humans," She rolls her eyes and sighs, "You're cool, though."

"Gee, thanks," I roll my eyes as I notice she's wearing gym clothes, "I have to change really quick, I forgot I agreed to train with you."

"We don't have to if you don't feel up to it, are you hungover?" She asks and I shake my head, "Didn't think so. I'll wait for you in the hall."

I quickly throw on a pair of black leggings and a long sleeve black shirt. I sigh as I tie my hair up in a ponytail. This routine of getting ready for training really gives me PTSD, but I'm dead so I guess I have to let it go.

I go out into the hall and Cara is talking to Lucifer. When I step out they notice me and he approaches me first.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He says, eyebrows furrowed, "Why would you speak to Lilith the way you did?"

"She was being a bitch for no reason," I shrug, "I didn't even say anything bad."

"Oh, yeah! Telling a demon to reevaluate is totally a cool thing to do," He throws his hands up and rolls his eyes, "You're gonna get yourself killed."

"I'm already dead! What's the big deal?" I furrow my brows and raise my voice at him.

"The big deal is when a human dies and they go to the afterlife they're given a chance to start over. If you can let go of your past life, you can be reborn. You being the only human down here, makes you a target. A demon can take over a human body and be reborn as a human. If your body gets taken over you become a demon and that demon becomes a human, got it?" He whisper yells at me and the hallway gets hot for the first time since I've been here.

"I- I can be reborn?" I ask and avoid his eyes.

"Not if you keep pissing demons off," He folds his arms, "I will do my best to make sure that nothing like that happens to you. You're just not making it easy."

"Is that why you were staring at me all night last night?" I ask and he seems taken back before just nodding, "I'm sorry, Lucifer. I'll be nicer."

"Thank you," He says and quickly walks away.

Cara raises her brows at me and grabs my arm, dragging me down a hallway I haven't been down yet, "This is the activities hall. There's a room for everything."

As we walk down the hall lined with doors she tells me what they all are, "Art, Video and board games, field room, TV room, movie theater, gym, beach and pool, vehicles, and finally the fighting room."

"Why is there a room specifically for fighting?" I furrow my brows at the odd choice of rooms and am honestly really confused about a lot of them.

"I have no idea about the reason for half of these rooms," She chuckles as we walk into the fighting room.

Mats cover the floor and I immediately recognize the horsemen and Lilith in the group of demons already training. Cara walks us over to her locker and she taps the empty one next to hers and my name pops up on the front.

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