#% PG.5 %#

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Fitz's POV

I stumbled and slide around the hallways, my tall ass trying to get away from Raccoon, I soon was tackled by raccoon, stumbling and falling towards the floor making a thump. "HEY! No fair!" I said with a laugh.

"You started it giraffe!" Raccoon snorted with a snarky remark. "Gee what a cheater" I huffed, resting my cheek/head in the palm of my hand with a smile as raccoon was on my back. "You're arrested for harassing me, PH-". "Mentally," I interrupted. " Sorry, "Mentally" Harassing me.." He grumbled. He wanted the karma but I took it. Like he deserved it!

"Spill it to your next lovers." I smirked, gently shoving raccoon off. "It's not fair though >:(." He got off, standing up and brushing his clothes then his hair. "You can't just assume that I was physically harassing you." I cocked an eyebrow, I was digging in further to his soft spot. No not like that idiot! His karma! "Are you two done yet or do I have to secure you two in a room and let FITZ cheat on swaggy swouls?" Tony stood there with swagger souls by his side, swagger slapped the back off Tony's head.

"OW! Watch it! I just got this hair done!" Tony fixed his hair gently, swagger snorted. "Don't act pretty, it's not you." He waved his wrist/hand around with a blunt in it, walking off as he took a smoke of it. "High ass." I remarked to myself. Swagger ran from around the corner and body slammed me to the floor, I heavily grunted as I laughed, swagger was just-- laying there? Not even a movement or anything, of course he was still alive but-- he just felt.. "I feel cozy now" swagger laid on top of me. "G-Off" I stuttered between grunts. "Get off? Nah. You have to make me." He looked at me, I looked bad, at him. My eyebrows raised to his reply.

Swaggers POV

I blinked and rethought at the moment. Oh god.. Was I turning.....HORNY?! Was I so turned on?! What the fuck! Stupid.. STUPID! All I heard was my heart racing with , what do you call it? Nerve-wracking? No.. Anxious? Yes! That's the word! Tony and raccoon silently walked away with tiny giggles. I was just froze on top of FITZ, this can't be happening... After 1 day of having him here. "I-- can't" I got up in a rush, FITZ sat up in alert. "What? Oh uh- yeah uhh." He cleared his throat, getting up as well. "This is..." . "Awkward-" I added in.

"Maybe next time~"
FITZ winked at me, walking away as I felt static to me and his hands touch, I screamed from the inside. He was Hornier like a male dog with balls! What was going on?!

Authors note
I tried my best to succeed with my awful-ish grammar but eheheheh 👀👀

Are You High? {FItZ X Swagger souls} Where stories live. Discover now