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"And just as I thought." FITZ plastered a smirk on his face as everyone ran out expect him and swagger, alone, staring at eachother. "Um- excuse me, but I think it's this part where you leave and I change?" Swagger grumbled. "And what if I don't?" Fitz rose a brow. "Then I'll smother you into my wall until you bleed you nasty pervert." Swagger added. "Youch.. Kinky~" he snickered. "G--GO!" Swagger felt nervous , backing up on his bedroom wall.

13/14+ warning! Viewer discretion advise! ;))

Fitz shuts the door behind him, locking it as he crawled on top of swagger. "Cmon swagger, don't be shy..~" he smirked, whispering his words on swaggers neck in a seductive way. Swagger felt flushed, eyes shut tight in embarrassment. Fitz soon started to kiss swaggers neck, swagger felt a shock of sexual and anxious spark, he tried to scramble but fitz was hella taller then him.. He didn't stand a chance. Fitz hold him in "hostage" full on making out with swagger, helmet lifted half way up. Swagger grunted and muffled, it felt kinda good-- but was this fuckin worth it? Maybe. Fitz's hands ran up swagger shirt, swagger squealed falling a off the bed. "W-- WHAT WAS THAT?!" Swagger squeaked, throwing his helmet down again. "What? Not use of being touched?" Fitz snickered. "Y---YES inFaCt!" Swagger sneered, walking out. "I'm going to change in the bathroom like a normal PERSON." He remarked, slamming the door in confidence. "Man, what a frisky short fella." Fitz tilted his head in pleasure, a smirk plastered on his face.

--End of NSFW scene--

Swagger bumped into Kyroz, Kyroz grunted. "Oh- hey swagger." Kyroz scanned the mess that swagger was in. "Rough-housing?" He snickered. "Er-- sure- lets go with that." Swagger nodded. "Hey- no need to lie." Kyroz smiled, it was a friendly one. "You always got me Kyroz." Swagger smiled back at him.  "I'm glad I did.". "So- wanna go out to eat? Of course after I get dress?". "Sure. I'll like that pal." Kyroz nudged him, walking away with his hands in his pockets. Swagger felt innocent for once, going out to grab a eat with his pal, he smiled and walked away, going to get himself ready.

4 hours later

Swagger and Kyroz drove to a lil fast food place, it wasn't going to be fancy according to swagger, not wanting to be too "wealthy". They walked in and chatted, laughing, eating, ETC. After arguing with the waiters about this wet water and paying their food, they headed out for a drive, smoking a bit of weed, it was sundown as the sky was a brushy red and pink with a smudge of purple with fluffy clouds, it was a beautiful scenery. "I'm glad we got a chance to hang out." Kyroz smiled, shoes on the dashboard, criss-crossed. "Me too- it's been a while." Swagger said, hands on the wheel as they drove on the highway. Kyroz took a puff, making a cloud. "How are you and Fitz?" Kyroz mentioned. "Oh err--" swagger looked around, shyly remembering that... NO! "Swagger? Are you okay?" Kyroz blinked blankly. "Yeah- yeah- totally fine." Swagger palmed his steering wheel then gripped it back on. "mm.. Okay-" Kyroz rose a brow, looking back at the scenery.

TBC ;))

Are You High? {FItZ X Swagger souls} Where stories live. Discover now