Bakugos house

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After school we walked to his house just down the road form my old place. He walked in the house i was scared at first but I walked in right after him to see his mum and dad running to give me a hug. They were so happy to know I was safe. They were like my parents instead of my crappie dad they where there when he wasn't (so all the time). Bakugo took me to his room it was like the same place from when we were younger. He set up my old area of his room with pillows and my old bean bag with a blanket.

He got me some tea and started asking me thing like what happened to make me do that and stuff. I told him every little detail, he listened it was nice having someone like that again I missed it. I knew I had to go back we had a robbery that night so when he fell to sleep I left him a note, put my stuff away and went out the window. I got back to the hideout right on time to get changed and they asked me where I was but I said I went back to the park I used to play at. I got changed into my suit and put my hair up. I still had fun doing this sort of stuff. When we get to the place I got them into the vault and they grabbed the stuff we also got to kill some people along the way.

A/n sorry for not updating much but I have been busy with school so I'll try to update more atm

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