The vision

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She was high up, soaring through the sky. The soft touch of a cloud passed over the length of her body. Neyya felt free, more free then ever before. Weightless, nothing holding her back, nothing holding her down.

But it wouldn't last. In an instant the clouds grew dark and blackened the sky. A storm was brewing, and before she knew it, thunder began to strike, and rain immediately followed. Neyya had to concentrate in order to dodge the thunder as it fell. She was no longer at peace, but in a struggle to survive. Moments felt like years and just as she was beginning to feel the thunder was stopping, she was struck.

There was no pain, rather, just agony, as she plummeted to the ocean, she couldn't help but wonder what all this meant. She felt helpless now, what if she could have done more?

The time for thinking grew short as the surface of the water grew closer and closer more and more rapidly. Unsure of what to do, she merely took a deep breath and dived down to the ocean depths. A shadowy figure, massive in scope and grotesque in appearance passed by her very face and scared the oxygen from her lungs. It drew closer and closer, and Neyya struggled and gasped for air, that she may get a longer glimpse at the abomination. A mass of tentacles converged on her, and she saw nothing but darkness.

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