The Brute shows his colors

467 30 13

A/N: Listen guys, this chapter does get a bit intense/graphic. This is a real life issue, so please let's be adults about it. Recommend viewers age 13+. Keep up the love while you're at it! Vote, follow, and comment, I love it all!

Fredas, First seed, 6th, 4E 200


Ragnarok's eyes slowly peeled open. He had no clue what happened, why he was passed out, or where he was. He sat up and analyzed his immediate area. He had been laying on a pile made of straw, on a cold hard floor. He was in a jail cell almost. There was nothing in here. His hands were now bound and he was not wearing his usual Imperial heavy armor, but a thin tunic and trousers. He fumbled his way to the gate to look around. In a cell to his right was Daro'maka, still unconscious. She was also in a tunic as opposed to her trader's garments. Finally, at the dungeon's very center, lay a large table of sorts, and on it, Neyya was restrained. She wriggled and struggled much to her avail, the attempts were useless.

"Ney-ney? Are you okay?" Ragnarok spoke. She turned to him, and gave her best try at a plea for help, but her mouth was gagged and any sounds she made couldn't be understood. Ragnarok looked to her like a sick puppy, he wanted to help but there wasn't anything he could do. As he was ready to break down and cry, a door swung open and in came a group of about six bandits heading down a small staircase.

"And where is it?" One spoke. From the variation of his armor, Ragnarok could tell he was their leader.

"Right here boss." Another replied, and pulled a ring from his satchel. It was Daro'maka's ring.

Ragnarok now semi understood. It was obvious to even an oaf like himself that the ring was valuable and held a strange power, but he wasn't sure how they planned to use it. It only seemed to work when his friend was in distress.

The ring flashed brightly and stunned the bandits, awakening Daro'maka simultaneously. After a moment of regaining full consciousness, the ring died down, allowing her to assess the situation. She bore her claws and freed herself from her bindings, rushing to the gate of her cell. She rattled it and shook it in despair.

"What are you doing to Khajiit's friend?!? Take the ring, keep it! Let her go!"

Her concern was understood, but poorly placed. The bandit leader now knew her weakness and would begin to exploit it. He strutted to the torture-table and examined Neyya up and down.

"Not only did you boys snag me a treasure, but a trophy too... One I intend to share. Very good work." He placed his hand on her stomach and felt her curves, Neyya wailed and began to cry.

They hurt Ney-ney, Ragnarok thought. Ney-ney don't like what men do to her. Ney-ney cry. Ragnarok don't like when Ney-ney cry.

A devilish smile crossed the leader's face as he began to remove Neyya's already revealing fur armor. His sloppy tongue unfolded as his dirty fingers raced in and around Neyya's sensitive areas, and she began thrashing around more wildly, with no effect whatsoever. Even Daro'maka began crying, and wished not to look any longer at what they were doing.

Before he could begin removing his own armor to continue, the crying and thrashing stopped, and one of the underlings interrupted. "Umm, boss?"

"What is it? Can't you see I'm busy? I think this little elf just realized the only thing she's good for!" He let out a disgusting chuckle, and the underling pointed directly behind him. The leader turned around, then looked up. Behind him was a twelve foot tall orc. He was breathing heavily, and his bloodshot eyes indicated the deepest of rages. The leader glanced over to the cell where Ragnarok was, only to find the gate reduced to nearly ash.

"It uh... It looks like I have some explaining to do..." The leader started. "You see what I was trying to do was," and with a swift yet powerful movement the tiny bandit pulled a steel war axe from his side and planted it into Ragnarok's massive flaring chest. A splatter of blood smacked the leader, Neyya, and a few of the underlings. The girls gasped.

For a long moment Ragnarok eyed the weapon wounding him. He then simply yanked it out. His thick skin sizzled and sweltered and the wound healed, leaving only a scar in its place. The bandits were taken aback, they had never seen anything like that.

Now Ragnarok looked back to the tiny man that inflicted the wound and raped his friend. With no facial expression whatsoever, he lifted the axe high, and rapidly brought it down. The blow split the bandit leader in half... Literally. The underlings watched in horror as what was once their strong leader fall over like two giant hoarker steaks. Before they could react, Ragnarok was on them, and one by one they were slashed up and beaten into pulps... Bloody, meaty pulps. Now covered in blood, the monster made his way to Daro'maka, and snapped the gate off it's hinges. He kneeled down to hand her the ring, and with no words pointed to the locked restraints on Neyya. He then moved up the stairs the bandits originally appeared from, and vanished.

Daro'maka made her way over to Neyya, and picked the locks on her shackles. With a pop, they came loose and Neyya removed the gag from her mouth. They took this moment to examine the room and assess the situation.

"Did you..?" Neyya asked, unsure what to call what just happened.

"No." She paused. "Of all the things we did not know about him... This seemed like the last thing that would happen."

"He just seemed so lovable and kind. Who knew he had the potential for such... Death?"

Daro'maka clasped Neyya's hands in her paws, and stared deeply into her eyes, "Khajiit is sure that right now we need not worry about him. He will be ok. What about you? Khajiit senses you are more hurt than you let on to believe."

Neyya pulled her armor on groggily and curled up, elbows on her knees. Tears floated downward, and continued for some time. Daro'maka sat on the table and placed a warm, furry arm around her. Ragnarok reappeared in the room, his war axe now replaced with a battleaxe, he walked over to where they sat. Daro'maka looked at him, and witnessed the blood red color fade from his eyes and return to dull green. He got on one knee and threw a warm, comforting hug around them. This time, he had saved them.

After a moment of recuperation, Neyya decided it was time to leave this horrible place. On the way out, the girls could see Ragnarok had caused further destruction in his angered state, killing anywhere up to thirty more bandits and breaking down several doors and walls. After recovering their stolen items, the group continued to their destination.

The Brute, the Thief, and the Awkward (Skyrim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now