One to rule them all...

448 29 16

Turdas, First seed, 5th, 4E 200


"Ugggghhhhh" Neyya heavily exhaled. Long moments passed and nothing was happening.

"Ney-ney?" Ragnarok asked. "Is Kitty going to be OK?"

"She'll be fine." Neyya mumbled, obvious irritation shone through her voice. "It's me you're going to have to worry about. Y'ffre knows what I'll do..." She pranced straight over to a stationary guard, "BECAUSE I'M BOOOOORRRRRREEEEEEED." The guard scoffed, and walked away. "Yeah, YOU BETTER RUN! DON'T LET ME SEE YOU AROUND HERE AGAIN!" She looked to Ragnarok, who humbly sat in his chair and waited patiently. "Don't worry about him, he was a jerk anyway."

Understone keep had to be the most boring place in The Reach, or at least that's how Neyya would describe it to you. They were there several hours already, the jarl's housecarl was questioning Daro'maka in the other room, or so they'd tell Neyya and Ragnarok to keep them quiet. Except, it had an adverse effect on Neyya. Her behavior wasn't helping either. As clueless as he may be, seeing his friend like this was slowly eating away at Ragnarok. What if they were hurting Kitty? He couldn't bare the thought, it hurt him so.

Finally, the doors of the interrogation room opened, and Daro'maka was set free. The two rushed to her side and inspected her for damage: marks, bruises, blood, etc.

"What happened to you in there?" Neyya asked, sniffing her armpit jokingly.

Daro'maka pulled back her arm and smirked, "Just some questions, nothing more Khajiit assures."

"For three hours???" Ragnarok and Neyya asked in unison. For not having known her too long, they both genuinely cared for her and would probably take a stab or arrow for her.

Just not in the knee.

Too many stories... Ugh.

Daro'maka attempted to casually catch a glimpse of her ring, but Neyya was a bit too perceptive to let that slip.

"Did they ask about that? It obviously played a large part in all of this."

"They tried to take it."

"What?!? They can't do that!"

"You're right, which is why they did not succeed."

Neyya peered at the ring, and motioned Ragnarok to follow, they were leaving.

"You know," She started, "You hadn't even told us about it, what it does or how you got it."

"It was given to khajiit as a gift by her family." She paused, and felt calm in its soft gray glow. "As for the rest, khajiit is unsure. But Khajiit has a feeling she knows where to find out."

The rest of the day went pretty much as planned. They moved from store to store trading jewelry and essentials... The ring taking watch over them the entire time.


Ragnarok giggled as he ran his fingers through the rather large coin purse on his lap. Daro'maka said he was a great help today, and looked especially intimidating, which is why they weren't attacked. Even though she was more than sufficient enough to guard Daro'maka, Neyya had to agree. Only they knew him beyond his rough exterior, that he wouldn't hurt a torchbug. It was his outer appearance that probably resolved conflict before it even happened.

Neyya too reveled in the fruits of her labor, and purchased moonstone ingots. Ragnarok had promised that at the next city they visited he would show her how to make elven armor, a definite upgrade from the fur straps that barely covered anything.

"Exposed to the elements... And the local nord men," Daro'maka would often tease.

Daro'maka sat on a log at their campsite and stared deep into the contents of her tankard. She was more than proud of herself for the feats she achieved today. She has made over three thousand gold and had more stock than they had begun with, but the past day's events fogged her mind, and the power she possessed scared her. She has no idea what she was dealing with, and needed to find it out before she hurt herself or any of her friends.

"Where are we headed next Kitty?" Ragnarok asked, already anticipating the next trip. For a long moment, she did nothing but continue to stare at her drink, lost in thought.

She then turned to Ragnarok and said, "We leave early to Whiterun and do some trading..." She paused. Neyya had watched closely, and now waited on the next thought she knew was coming. "Then we make way for Riften." In silence, the trio retired to their tents for the night. They next few days may be the hardest they've ever had to deal with.

Fredas, First seed, 6th, 4E 200


"Dull green," Neyya said. "A shade lighter than your skin."

Ragnarok smiled as they walked. "So what does it mean?"

Neyya paused, she took careful time in making a solid judgment. "Let me start at the easy part." She said. "Maka has pale silver eyes." Daro'maka raised an ear, curious of what was to follow. "This means that although she may be an open book, one gets an alluring feeling of shrouded mystery, which adds to her beauty, and makes her more desirable." Neyya gave in to smirk, and Daro'maka blushed. "My eyes are bright amber." She said, and allowed Ragnarok to verify. "My father said that means I'm highly passionate and determined. I may have trouble setting a goal, but once I do, my entire heart goes out to getting it done. It also means I know what I want, and tend to get my way." Daro'maka blushed again. The last statement came out rather flirty, to which she took note of. "And finally dull green." She began. She cast a small spell and sparkles of light illuminated in her hands. They gathered, and formed a ball of light. Neyya looked inside for a moment, and spoke again, "I see potential. An aptitude for learning. Not knowing now is fine as long as you know later." The proud orc smiled and looked up, as if contemplating the free space in his brain. "I also see loyalty, good intentions, and innocence. Qualities essential in a good friend." Ragnarok's smile turned to a happy grin, and his cheeks became a bit rosy.

Neyya clasped her hands, and the ball of light dissipated. Elven magic was very beautiful and delicate, and needed nothing more that a soft movement to dispel.

The road from Markarth to Whiterun was a long one, much like all the others, but the weather was temperate and the sun shone calmly. The three had agreed it was a perfect traveling day. It would have been in general a perfect day, had it not been for the annoyingly sharp pain Neyya suddenly felt in the side of her neck. Upon investigating, she found an object was the source of it. She pulled the object out and inspected it.

Tranquilizer dart? How? Why?

She looked to her friends in time to watch them collapse into the ground, both with darts in them as well. She spun around to find no one was around. The poison found its way to her heart, and she became extremely dizzy. She tried to walk to her friends, in the hopes of being able to carry them to safety, but upon reaching them, fell as well. As her vision faded, she made out multiple figures approaching. They lifted her friends, and then her.

Then she could not see.

The Brute, the Thief, and the Awkward (Skyrim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now