In the Ratway

409 29 0

Sundas, First seed, 8th, 4E 200


"Divines, Why?!?!?" Neyya stepped in something that resembled skeever droppings in every way. It truly was, she just chose the path of denial. "This place is disgusting. Why are we here?" Daro'maka flashed the ring in Neyya's face, and it became annoyingly clear again.

As they made their way through the poorly lit tunnels of The Ratway, Daro'maka made quick work of the weaklings that attempted to slow their descent. Ragnarok noted how quickly she became accustomed to killing without conscious since Markarth, and he was pleased. As much as he once thought he would stay by her side forever, he knew they would part ways eventually, and was glad he could go on knowing she could take care of herself. At least until the day he decides to join her again.


They arrived in a room where there was nothing save a raised drawbridge, and a door one level down from where they stood. "I bet that's going to lead to the other side of the bridge." Neyya spoke, pointing to the door. "Ragnarok, wanna head down there and let us in ol' buddy?"

"No need." Daro'maka cut in. The ring fished and she was gone. Next thing they knew, the bridge fell and they could see Daro'maka on the other side, paw on the lever. She motioned them over, and turned to deal with the lowlife on the other side. Her impatience disturbed Neyya, and made her worried about her possible disappointment if Daro'maka can't find what she's looking for.

They reached another door that opened to the heart of the dreaded sewer system. From their position, they could see a tavern, complete with seats, mead, and sad droopy people.

They made their way to the tavern, only to be eyed up and down by its inhabitants. They hadn't said anything though... Probably due to Ragnarok's highly intimidating appearance. Daro'maka strutted over to one man in particular. A bald man sitting at a table, trying to enjoy his tankard.

"Can I help you?" He spat, annoyance prevalent in his tone.

Daro'maka took in a deep breath and removed her ring, placing it on the table. The others peaked their interests, and began listening from a distance. "Delvin Mallory, Khajiit requests your aid in determining what this artifact is. Khajiit is sure you will recognize it."

Delvin took a moment to observe the ring, picking it up and analyzing everything from the carvings to the gems. He then drew his dagger and swiftly placed it to her throat. This sent Neyya, Ragnarok, and the rest of the Thieves Guild into alert... All drawing weapons.

Daro'maka did not move a bit.

"Who did you kill to get this ring?!? Answer me!" Delvin snorted, angrily.

Though on alert the Ragged Flaggon remained quiet for some time, until Daro'maka felt she should speak again.

"It was given to Khajiit by her mother."

Again... An eerie quite fell over the flaggon. This time, interrupted by Delvin Mallory.

"Lower your weapons."

The guild members sheathed their swords, daggers, and bows alike. Delvin removed his blade from Daro'maka, and returned to his seat. This allowed Neyya and Ragnarok to let their guard a bit down, and pull up some seats of their own. Daro'maka sat across from Devlin, and they began to converse nearly as if nothing had just happened.

"I knew La'andra from a job I pulled long ago." Delvin began, recalling a memory. "Big thing in Elsweyr. I'll spare you the political trash, but the stint was to rob a big palace dry, frame the leader of a bandit clan, force him to speak against the Mane, and put your father in power." He paused, took a long swig of his drink, and started again. "I pulled my part off without a hitch. I got word from La'andra a while after I left Elsweyr that her end went off good too. Wasn't important to me, I got my gold. Trouble of it was that very ring you're sportin'. She sent it to me as a gift. When I found the thing only cursed anyone who wasn't Khajiit, I sent it back. I'm guessin' Khajiit didn't like the newly royal family getting gift mail from the Thieves Guild... So I think they caught your pop on that." He stopped again, and grabbed Daro'maka's paw. "I'm real sorry. I offered your mum a place in the guild, but you were born, and she ain't feel like raising you guys outside your home country, even if they hated you and you hadn't much to your name."

Tears ran the length of Daro'maka's face, but she didn't budge. Ragnarok moved to embrace her, and Neyya wiped her tears clean.

"I think I'll give you a moment." Said Delvin, standing slowly.

"No." Daro'maka managed to choke out. "Khajiit must know more... About the ring itself..."

"Well, if you are your mother's daughter, you know the materials and such." He started. "Back when I had it, I found a book devoted to it. Said something along the lines of the user gaining super-natural power, so long as their heart belonged to Elsweyr." He paused, and glanced to the now glowing ring before him. Daro'maka slipped it on, and began to feel better. "No one knows where it came from, or who created it, but they say it's the root of all the Khajiit's sneakin' abilities. Can make ya invisible and teleport, and other stuff no one was able to master."

Daro'maka stared deep into her ring, into the gems that resembled the Twin Moons ever so greatly, and gave a nod.

A tall man with long, messy hair trotted over to the discussion, and caught their attention. "I realize it's not my business to interrupt, but I may have something that'll cheer you up." He spoke in a thick yet alluring accent. "Sounds like your family could use some coin. I'm assuming that's why you're here. If that ring does what Delvin here says, I'd be willing to help you out. The name's Brynjolf, it's a pleasure."

Daro'maka returned a stern expression, so Brynjolf continued, " I'm not forcing you lass, but in terms of options, we seem to be the only logical one. You'd be doing big jobs with little effort and getting rich along the way. You'd also be doing us a solid and getting the guild's name out there. What do you say?"

Daro'maka thought about this for a moment, then stood to face her friends. "This one is right. My friends, this is where we part ways. Khajiit will never forget you." She pulls in her friends close, and gives them a long embrace.

Tears flow down Neyya's cheek in rivers, but she knows that Daro'maka needs to stay strong, so she keeps her goodbye brief, and pulls Ragnarok out of the flagon through Riften's main gate. Several meters from the gate, she breaks down, assuming the fetal position and wallowing in despair.

Ragnarok places a strong, firm hand on Neyya, pulling her in close and offering a warm hold. For a few minutes, the brute's soft side overwhelmed Neyya, and placed within her a sensation of hope and security, however the feeling was brief, as within moments, Ragnarok looses consciousness as falls over. The already dark sky fades to black along with his vision.

The Brute, the Thief, and the Awkward (Skyrim Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang