Shooting Stars

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     My eyes slowly fluttered open, sunlight was pouring into the room from the window behind me and was hitting my face. I tried to sit up and that's when I realized Hansol's grip around my waist. Not too strong, just snug.

     I also realized I had no clothes on. At all. Hansol's grip on me became a little tighter, pulling me back into his bare chest. As comfortable as I was, I needed to get up and watch the news. I tried to pry Hansol's hands away from me but it just woke him up.

     He groaned and let go of me momentarily to stretch. He let out a silent yawn and looked at me. "Good morning~" His scratchy morning voice spoke. "Good morning.." I muttered, trying to cover up as best I could with the comforter.

     "Could you.. close your eyes just for a second while I get dressed.. please?" I asked him kindly. He threw a pillow over his head, a muffled "sure" came from him. I slipped out of bed and scurried over to the scattered clothes on the floor.

     My legs were a bit wobbly and the insides of my upper thighs felt sore. Great.. It was fine, I could push through. I'm running from the cops after murdering somebody after all. A little soreness can't hurt me.

     Once I was fully clothed, I told him it was okay for him to uncover his head. He didn't answer, or take off the pillow. Guess he fell asleep again.. I looked in the mirror at the clothes I was currently wearing, wrinkly and dirty. I also noticed a bunch of purple, red marks all over my neck and chest, even some on my back, I sighed deeply.

     Maybe he won't mind if I sneak into his closet and pull out a couple things.. I snuck over to his closet and pulled out a random shirt and sweatpants I thought would fit me decently. I stripped out of my old clothes and slipped into my new ones.

     I really felt like I needed to take a shower but I didn't want to smell like a guy. Guess I'll have to bathe in a stupid lake again.. I padded over to the small living room and turned on the TV. I flicked over to the news channel to see if they had anything to say about me.. about us.

     Nothing, nothing at all. Just boring old weather forecasts. They said there were going to be shooting stars tonight. Maybe I could watch them with Hansol if the police don't already find us.. I laughed to myself.

     Hansol walked into the room when the news mentioned us. They said that the police knew we were around this area, and are starting to look around for us. I felt my stomach turn and looked at Hansol, "We need to get going, now."

     "Can we get something to eat first?" He whined as he rubbed his stomach. "Maybe later. Not only are the police searching for us, but everyone who's watched the news so far are keeping an eye out for us as well. We need to get moving." I stated.

     I turned the TV off and slipped my shoes on while Hansol hastily grabbed the keys. "You might also wanna bring sunglasses and a hat, just in case we get too hungry and have to stop by somewhere." I suggested.

     I headed for the door as he went to find a pair of sunglasses and a hat like I said. Oh, he didn't forget the stash of course. We dashed out the door and ran to the car. "So, where are we headed?" He asked as he backed out and got on the road.

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