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     He was right. He did get a longer sentence. Only because what he did was 100% on purpose. As for me, it was on accident and self defense. It was a little hard to convince the judge but it got through. Gosh..

     I've been out for about 7 months now. It's supposedly his last day today, I'm waiting for him at the gate impatiently. I nearly give up hope and walk back to my car before I heard my name being called. "Y/N! Don't go, I'm right here!" I turn around and see him, as handsome and as perfect as I remember, running towards the gate.

     The guard that was standing idle had unlocked the gate and opened it in time for Hansol to keep running towards me. He pulled me into a rather harsh but still loving hug, pulling away momentarily to say a couple things. "You're so beautiful! And, my GOSH your hair is so long now~"

     I giggled at his words, "Thank you, handsome, you look rather ravishing yourself~" I fluffed his hair. My hands slid down his arms involuntarily. "Mr. Chwe got a little buff while he was serving, didn't he?" I squeezed his biceps in awe.

     He held an arm up and flexed, "Sure did~" He cockily said. I laughed and slapped his chest playfully. "Come on, I've got something to show you." I said, pulling him along with me by his hand. "And no, it's not this crappy car I bought." I stated as I heard him take a breath to speak.

     I drove all the way to where his old apartment was. I opened the door and walked him around the place. "It's almost... unrecognizable.." He stated in awe. "How much money did it cost you..?" He asked.

     "Like thirty dollars." I stated blatantly. "All I did was clean up, buy a vacuum, carpet powder and a whole bunch of air fresheners. This place just reeked of weed and alcohol." "Wait, how did you get this place back anyway?" He asked curiously, "Oh, how I have my ways~" I replied.

     "Now, I was thinking of living here with you, this place isn't as small as you think, we just need a smaller couch, furniture that doesn't take up so much space. This place has potential." I stopped to look around for a second, "All I ask of you is to keep this place clean." I stretched out the last word.

     "If you wanna go for a smoke, I'm not stopping you. I'll want to as well. We can go outside, or blow it all out the window. If you wanna get absolutely wasted for whatever reason, please pick up your bottles and throw them away, greasy head."

     "You're acting like my mom~" Hansol pouted. "Maybe.. But I'm the love of your life, meaning I have to take care of you like this, babe. Now, go take a shower, you stink. We can go somewhere after you do~" I said, patting him on the back as he walked to the bathroom.

     He was out of the bathroom shortly, as he should. "Now, where do you wanna go?" I asked him, smiling warmly. "Wanna go find a random lake to jump into?" He asked, getting more and more excited by the second. "Fuck yeah I do! Let me go change first." I giggled and walked into the bedroom.

     And so, we were on the road again. I somehow remembered the lake I went to the first time to wash all the blood off of me and to change my clothes. I completely changed that night. Before I knew it, we were jumping into the lake, messing around, dunking each other, and playing Chicken with no one.

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