Chapter 9

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Shelby showed Kelly and Alison the note during lunch .
"I have never known my brother to send love notes to a girl before." Said Kelly .
"Shelby has fancied John since Freshman year and we would always trying to hanging John, Jay and the others . We started sneaking into the clubs they went  but they just ignored us . We got chatted up by Juniors and seniors a lot." Said Kelly .

"Great times . Sometimes they would see us and make us go home ," said Shelby .
"Do you remember when that Senior asked  you out and John followed you outside and he hit the guy  ." Said Kelly .
"Poor guy didn't know what hit him."

John was in the same class as Andy .
"So are you and Shelby together ? "Asked Andy .

"Not sure yet."

"Is it because of Jay?" Asked Andy and Bender nodded .

"Didn't know your had a sister? " Andy said . " we all grew up together , Shelby and Kelly have been best friends as long as me and Jay . They were a nightmare to keep an eye on , they are a right pair of party animals. They also wanted to hang out with me and Jay . Which cramped our style ." laughed John .

He really hoped Shelby turned up .
As the bell went Jay and the others asked Bender if he was coming but he said he had something to take care off .

Shelby's, Alison and Kelly went to  the ladies and Shelby reapplied her makeup checked her hair .
"Go and get him  said Alison.

Shelby made her way over to the beachers hoping to God it wasn't some kind of joke . She turned the corner and was see John there smoking s cigarette . As soon as he saw her he put his cigarette out and smiled at her .

"Hey Babe I was worried you wouldn't show up,'."'

"Well you had nothing to worry about,!sexy "
He went over to her and put his arms around her , she smelled lovely  as he held her close then he gently  kissed her on the lips and she responded. He then parted his lips and so did Shelby , their tongues exploring each other's mouth . He ran one hand through her hair and his other hand on her lower back , they tumbled to the ground . Shelby put her head on his chest and her arm draped across him .  He put his hand inside her top snd started rubbing up and down her back . He then started kissing her along the shoulder and she responded by kissing him on the neck causing him to groan . They then went back to kissing on the lips and the kisses got deeper each pulling the other closer .

God he wanted her so much  , he didn't mind if if Jay went mad ,and beat him upon she was worth it He did not want anyone else .

When they stopped  kissing he laid there with Shelby in his arms.his eyes closed .
"Shelby I like you a lot ,  I want to go out with properly , I don't care what Jay says or if he beats me up I will still feel the same . I want to be a one girl guy. "
Shelby thought for a moment and the said " what about the girls in your wallet ?"
John took his wallet out of his trousers took the girls photos out and then got his lighter and set. Light to them .
" they meant nothing to me  ."
He then showed her the remaining picture in his wallet a photo of the two of them from Freshman year . It was his favourite photo . "I never had my photo taken with the others .
"I love to go out with  John  and she kissed him . John helped her up .

"Time I walked you home," he said . As they walked home John had his around her shoulder and Shelby had her arm round his waist .

As they arrived at Shelby's Home.

"Are you sure about this ?" She asked him.

. "I have never been more certain about anything."!he said kissing her .

John said to Jay and her mum
"Mrs Brunswick , Jay I would like to go out with Shelby', I promise I will look after and never hurt her"

Shelby's mum smiled and said "How many times have I Told you to call me Cheryl , I always hoped you two would go out together , just want to know what had taken you so long . " she then went and hugged John .

Jay thought for s while and then
Said "0k but on the condition you treat Shelby with respect and you don't hurt her or cheat on , if you do I will  beat the shit out of  you. Finally I do not want to know what you two get up to. "

"I promise ."John agreed
Shelby hugged her brother and mum  said "Thank you it means a lot to me that you approve ."

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