Chapter 13

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The bell rang and Shelby stayed behind so that she could be the last one to leave .

"Alison and Kelly came up to Shelby , in the hallway . They pulled her into the ladies .

. You look terrible . What is going on?. " asked Kelly.

She told them about the argument and that she thought John had gone back to his old ways of sleeping around."

"John went after Stubbie last night and beat the crap out of him for what he did to you . Then Jay and John stayed round Andy's."said Alison .

John went up to Brian in Shop

"What's going on with Shelby and Steve?"
Asked John .
'Nothing , Claire dragged her over to the football team , she is not interested in him .

"How was Shelby ."

"Really sad, she thinks you are happy that you guys have broken up and that you are already looking to replace her after seeing you talk to those two girls outside school. She is talking about going  back to Florida and staying with that Brodie's family . She is pretty cut up. I thInk you guys need to talk. "
For the rest of shop class John didn't say a thing, which was unusual for him .
The only time he spoke was to shout at anyone who asked what was going on with Shelby .

Brian, Jay and John joined Claire , Alison , Kelly and Andy in the canteen.

John looked around the crowded noisy canteen "Where is Shelby ?" Asked John .

The other shook their heads .
"She May have gone out to the sports field ,." Said Kelly

"That figures, she is probably watching her new boyfriend." He spat .

"It's not like that , she isn't interested in him , there is a quiet place she goes to think, do you you want me to show you it ." Offered Kelly . John nodded.

As they walked across the sports field Kelly asked John

"Did you hook up with anyone , because that would break her heart. " said Kelly .

"I nearly but it was just a kiss then I realised it is Shelby I want . He replied .

"Only go to her if you truly want her , you can't mess her around like your previous girlfriends ,  . She is devastated by the argument . The reason stopped eating before is because she didn't think you liked her , now it looks like she is doing it again . I don't want to my best friend go through that again . Do you love her ?"

"Yes more than anything." He replied .

"Then you should tell her. She really loves you , you know that's why she is so upset ."

They came to a storage shed , Kelly pointed to
it . "Good luck " said Kelly giving John a kiss on the cheek .

John walked round the shed there and saw Shelby sitting on the grass listening to her Walkman and working on her homework , she looked really upset.
He sat down next her and tried to put his arms around her but she moved away.

"What is going o. Between you and the quarterback?" Asked John .

"Was that your new girlfriend you were with this morning ." Shelby responded .

"I asked first ." Replied John .

" nothing Claire took me to talk to the footballers , he was telling me he wanted to go surfing during spring break and asked me the best places to go . I was not trying to make you jealous . I am not the type of who jumps from one guy to another. I wouldn't just go out with anyone else after breaking u with you.

John felt pleased hearing it , there was a chance she still liked him .

"You're turn ." Said Shelby .

" I went to hang out with other s and her and some other girls were there . I thought we were over and you didn't want me , you told me to go back to my old ways . I was tempted and kissed her but  I realised straight away it was a mistake and that I only want you .
I was telling her this morning it had been a mistake and that I loved you .
When you saw her touch my lip she was asking how was i going to kiss you."
, I was upset over you telling me you didn't want me , I want you no one else
. I want you and no other girls . I felt crushed when you said you didn't want to see me. It was devastating when you wouldn't talk or look at me  today ." Said John

"Truthfully ?" She asked he nodded .

"Yes ." Said John .

She went over to him. And he threw his arms around her and held her tight.

"Where did you go after that."

"Well you are going to find out sooner or later , I went after Stubbie ." Said John

"I am sorry for I said last night , I thought you didn't want me any more? After Stubbie had groped me. I felt ashamed .'" Said Shelby.

"I would have to be crazy not to want you . I have always wanted you . I don't want you going to Florida and loosing you again . I love you ."said John with tears in his eyes then he kissed her .
"I shouldn't have said you enjoyed guys leering at you ".  Said John .

"I love you too ."

He hugged her close.
John took his red scarf of his boot and tied it gently round her wrist .
" Now we are official this is warning to all those horn dogs that you are mine ."he said .

She smiled at him , she couldn't be happier .

As they walked back to the canteen , John said "Next time you go for the grunge look you would better in my shirt" .John kept his arm round holding her tightly.

"So what happened with Stubbie" asked Shelby.

"Have you seen Stubbie today ?"

"Yeah his face looks pretty messed up." Shelby said .

"I beat the shit out of him " he pointed to his split lip l "this is all Stubbie managed to do to me."
She gave him the gentlest kiss on the lips."

"Are you going to The Lounge on Saturday?" Asked John .

"Yes I am going ."

"Can I pick you up , like a proper boyfriend."

"I would like that , I would also like you to stay afterwards ." Said Shelby .
John agreed .

"But in the meantime can I come round tonight ." Yes ssid Shelby smiling .

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