what was the point? | ren x grian

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ship;; rendog x grian (hippies)
disclaimer;; sad grian :pensive: :pensive: 
an;; ren x grian is so fucking underrated ok i just wanted to get that off my chest rq

(932 words, im too lazy to write more to make it 1000 ok)


The rain poured down like his tears as Grian sat underneath the giant mushroom that towered over Hippy Land. The unequipped pillagers mindlessly walked around, completely ignoring his existence. At least he wasn't fully alone, the pillagers were a cute touch by Ren. He suddenly felt a vibration go through his body. He looked down at his glaring phone screen, only to find a couple message notifications from Ren in the hermit group chat.

ReNDicK: Hey dudes!
ReNDicK: Any of you know where Grian is by any chance?

Docm Dimmadome: Nah, sorry, man.

Grian raised an eyebrow at this sudden message from Ren - why did he want to know where he was? He started typing a response, his shaking finger-tips pressing against the cold screen of his phone.

Grian @ walmart: oh, im underneath that hippie mushroom where the tents are, why?

ReNDicK: Oh! Why are you under there when it's raining, G? 

He stared expressionlessly at this dimmed screen, trying to figure out an excuse to type so they wouldn't worry about him.

Grian @ walmart: just checking up on the pillagers, haha

ReNDicK: Oh, I'll come and help you! I'm just working on Sahara Speedy Pines at the moment, pretty hard working in the rain tho :D

Grian smiled and blushed at that message, putting his phone back in his pocket. He wiped his tears away with his oversized red hoodie, and trying to comb through his hair with his fingers, trying to fix it. He was about to stand up and stretch, until he heard rockets whizzing over him. Of course, it was the almighty Ren Diggity Dog!

Ren started approaching him under the mushroom, "Hey, man! What's up, G? Why are you here all alone?" He sat down next to Grian, their shoulders touching. Ren's dorky smile painted itself on his face as he looked down at the smaller boy.

Grian looked down in discomfort as he looked the other way and shuffled to the side so they weren't touching anymore. He hugged his knees, trying to ignore Ren. Ren's usually cute smile swiftly turned into a frown as he put his hand on Grian's shoulder. "G, you can tell me anything - it's okay, man." Grian swiftly turned his head the other way, facing the taller man. Ren could notice a small smile stared to display itself on Grian's face, them both blushing. "It's a dumb reason I'm crying, you don't need to put yourself through my unimportant venting.." 

The red hooded boy started silently sobbing again, small tear drops rolling down his face. His body shivered from the cold breeze which made the autumn leaves sway. "No, Grian, it is important..." Ren shuffled back next to Grian, putting his arms around the smaller boy into a small hug from behind, "...Just tell me, man, I can help you." Grian's face suddenly turned red from the sudden connection. He turned his body around to face Ren, nuzzling his face into the dog hybrid's chest. Ren traced circles with his cold finger-tips around Grian back, he knew this is what his parents did to calm him down when he was younger.

(VV i lost all of this paragraph because i forgot to save so i had to rewrite it hh VV)

He sobbed into Ren's shirt, leaving small damp patches from his tears, "If y-you insist..". Grian stuttered from the coldness in the air, his body shaking. Ren, noticing this, pulled Grian closer into the hug, trying to give him some of his body warmth. "I-It's just that.. we p-put so much e-effort into t-t-this hippy c-commune..." He hid his face with his oversized sleeves from embarrassment. "No, continue.." Ren said in a calming voice as he removed Grian's hands from his face. "It w-was all wasted on a-a fucking t-themepark..!" His sudden outburst startled Ren a bit but he tried not to react negatively to it, so he wouldn't worry Grian.

"No no, G.. Please don't worry, dude. The area 77 dudes are just some jerks!" Ren tried to reassure Grian, continuing to rub circles on the sobbing boy's back. "Besides, we could move onto even better builds! Like building a big, grand British castle and become posh British people." Grian looked back up at Ren, a small blush painted itself on both of the boys' faces. "Y-yeah.. I would l-like that.."

A couple minutes went by of Ren gently giving Grian a back massage until the smaller boy fell asleep. His peaceful snoring brought a blush apon Ren's face as he picked up Grian in his arms and brought him to his pink tent. He entered it and soon placed Grian on one the bed inside. Ren soon flew off to his base, leaving the sleeping boy alone in his tent. 




Ren safely landed above his ravine house. He soon noticed Cleo and False talking outside the blonde one's fantasy base and he decided to go see what they were up to. "Heyyy, ladies!" Ren shouted in a jokingly romantic tone. "Where have you been all day?" False asked Ren in confusion. "Y'know, the usual, being a gay hippy for my boyfriend, Grian-"

Cleo hummed in response, "Mhm, okay, virgin lol." The 2 girls soon walked into False's base, leaving Ren alone in the dark.

"Y'know.. words hurt ;(" Ren sniffled

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