lunchbox frens | mumbo x grian

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ship: grumbo (buildstone!)
disclaimer: naughty words omg gu ys!!!
also highschool au because highschool is easy to write ok

words: 768 (fuck i need to write more-)


Grian's pov

I stumbled down the halls, head down. Honestly, I have no idea why I was sent to this school. Grimy hallways, other kids, why couldn't I be home schooled again by a tutor? My train of thought stopped when I realised I bumped into someone. Surprised, I stumbled back, trying to regain my balance. I looked up to see who I'd bumped into. He had raven black like hair and a.. moustache? How could he grow facial hair at such a young age?

"Oh gosh, I'm really sorr-" He managed to say, until I cut him off, running away to my class. 'Jeez, why the fuck did I do that?' I thought to myself as I stumbled around the corridors, trying to make my way to my class. It pretty hard to see through these crowded corridors, being 5'3 while most people we're around 5'8 to 6'3, blocking my view. I soon found my way to the classroom, fucking finally.

I silently walked into the classroom, I haven't been in one of these since I was 6! I chose to sit next to this tall guy, since it was the only seat available. I looked over to who I was sitting next to, just to be the person I bumped into in the halls.. fuck. I started to sweat as I try to push the thought out my mind and take a seat. I had a couple minutes before the class started, so it's better just to introduce myself to the guy, maybe fix my terrible first impression.

I turned my head to the person who was sitting next to me, he seemed to be doodling. "Hey!" I said, trying to grab his attention.

The boy turned his head around to face me, a bit startled from the sudden attention. "Oh, hey? Weren't you that guy in halls that I hadn't seen before?" He asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah, actually. Sorry about that. Anyways, I'm Grian, you?" I put on a fake smile, try to change the subject. I looked up at him, he acted like he'd never seen a new student before, jeez.

The taller boy seemed to smile back at me, it seemed genuine though. It made me feel guilty, but I still kept my guard up. "Gosh, I haven't introduced myself, have I? I'm Oliver, but people just call me Mumbo." I was about to say something, but the bell rang, the class was about to start.

During the lesson, I couldn't really pay attention. Most of my attention was put on Mumbo. Honestly, I couldn't keep my eyes of him. His eyes, his abnormal facial hair - he was a handsome lad. That didn't mean I was gay, or 'bent', as the other kids called it. I didn't fancy him, and I never will. (mhm ok-)

3rd person POV (because i got lazy heheh)

His thoughts were caught off guard when I heard the bell ring, it was lunch already? Grian swiftly got up from his desk, getting his backpack from under the table and putting it on his back. He was soon about to leave, until he felt someone tap on his shoulder. Surprised by the sudden contact, he turned around, only to be greeted by the same boy from earlier, Mumbo.

He started to talk, "Hey, wanna eat lunch together? It seems like you don't have anyone to sit with, since you're new and all." His request made Grian blush a slight pink colour, but he knew he had to come up with a witty response. First impressions are key to win a man's hea- I mEAn.. win a man's trust?

"Bold of you to assume I had no one to sit with!" His own joke made him laugh, which gave Mumbo a little chuckle.

"Do you have anyone to sit with, though? You don't seem the most.. how do I say this? Social type?" He grinned at the now, embarrassed Grian.

"Is that a jab about what happened earlier? Listen, you can sit next to me, as long as we don't talk about that!" Grian's face turned a crimson red as he looked back up at Mumbo. He was quite surprised at his sudden outburst, seeing that Grian seemed so calm at the start of the lesson, but he found it kind of funny.

tbc owo

i hate the fact that i made grian tsunder e hhh more like tsunder ew heheheh

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