First Night Together

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I slightly push his back, making him stop a few inches from me. I look up seeing his expression change from cocky to confused. I suddenly take away my hands from his chest and grab the pillow, I then grab the blanket as well. I walk out and slam the door, before going down the stairs I catch my breath. I then go over to the love seat and set up my 'bed'.

As I set it up, I take off my robe. I toss it over the couch and realize I left my clothes and bags in the room. I grunt as I stomp up stairs, opening the door. I then hear water running from the bathroom, I quickly grab my bags and leave the room, shutting it and changing as he showers.

(Draco's POV)

As I hear the room door open, I realize that shes back. I open the bathroom door to see nobody here, but her stuff is missing. I think she came back to retrieve her things, I sit down on the bed wondering why she reacted like that. Any girl would kill to be in her place, although rumors spread. From my family, then my past relationships, or anything I did with another female. 

Does she think of me as bad?

I then shake my head and go over to the bathroom, feeling the warm water touch my finger tips. I don't know why I'm even thinking of that dork, only puts her nose in books and never really had a real social life. No wonder, I bet she's so happy finally having a real boyfriend. 

(Liberty's POV)

As I gently rest my body I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I felt uncomfortable, but it didn't matter. As I pull the silk blanket up to my shoulders, I heard the shower water quickly disappear. I then start to sleep, hearing nothing but silence. I then scrunch up my nose, fluttering my eyes as I do so. I sit up and rub my eyes, seeing nobody around me. I then check the time, as I notice it was quite early I decided to take my time getting dressed. 

Before wearing my uniform I needed to take a shower. I suddenly gather up my courage and walk to Draco's room. I softly open the door, seeing a thick body under the covers. I shake my head and walk into the bathroom, making sure I lock the door. I strip down and hop in, quickly washing myself before Draco awakes.

I get out of the shower and change into some warm clothes. I simply make a bun and unlock the bathroom door. I notice that he's turned around, exposing his back. I shift my eyes, knowing its not right for me to stare at a half naked boy, especially if it's Draco Malfoy. I turn the other cheek and exit his room, I quickly grab my books and go. 

I walk to the dining hall and take my seat next to Luna, she's reading very deeply. So deep, she didn't know I was here. I chuckle and turn my focus to my book as well. I flip the page and continue to eat while I do so. After a while I heard my names being called, I quickly lift my head and look around, I then see Theodore waving at me. I gladly smile and return the gesture, I then see Draco nudge him to stop. When did he get here? 

I shrug and continue reading, until Headmistress McGonagall starts speaking.

(McGonagall)- "Students, a new class will be added to your schedules. It's a new class to prepare you with your partners. The class is called Love and Respect, which you all should already do. After breakfast please walk to your classes, and prepare." 

I hear grunts and groans from other couples, seeing as if they were sick of this already. I couldn't blame them, I have a bad partner as well. I then finish my eggs and stand up, as I leave the hall I read as well. I start to hear others do the same, I go into the Love and Respect class and take my seat, waiting for Draco. 

As I tap my chin and look around I then get bumped harshly in the shoulder, I turn and see Draco sluggish and not wanting to be here. I roll my eyes and continue to see the other happy couples, it made me smile.

(Draco)- "What are you smiling at dimwit?" I ignore him remark and continue with my happy mood, "I was talking to you." He then gets in my vision, blocking others.

(Liberty)- "Why does it matter to you? I can't be happy with others, since I'm not happy myself?" I quickly cover my mouth with my hand, realizing that might've hurt his feelings.

(Draco)- "You're acting like that was such a big deal, no wonder you have to be in a arranged marriage to get a guy." He scoffs and turns to the blackboard, I look down and remembering my situation at home.

An Arranged Marriage (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now