A Dream

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As I lay down next to Draco, my head feels dizzy. I close my eyes hoping I'll feel better, after tossing and turning I go asleep. I'll talk to Draco tomorrow, I am still upset with him. 

(Draco's POV)

I slowly rise myself up, I ruffle my hair and look around the room. I then feel a hangover take over me. As I look over to my left I see an empty bed, I know I messed up last night. I honestly only remember a portion, my memory just thinks of Liberty and nothing else. I drag myself to the bathroom, wanting a shower to clean away the smell of Butterbeer. I finish my steaming shower and wrap myself with a towel. 

I get out feeling regret, trying to remember everything else that night. I get dressed in my school robes, I walk to our kitchen/living room hoping she's eating. Although I spot no one, I leave our room and see the normal groups of couples walking to the dining hall. I follow the groups, until I bump into Theodore. I scratch my head as he gives me an annoyed look.

(Draco)- "What?" He crosses his arms and gives me a look of shame.

(Theodore)- "I don't think you understand how embarrassed I was last night--no, how embarrassed Liberty was." 

(Draco)- "Speaking of which, can you tell me what happened." He scoffs and releases the tension in his arms.

(Theodore)- "Like you don't remember." He tries to walk off, but I angrily grab his shirt.

(Draco)- "I DON'T remember anything, now could you tell me please?" I release him and he pats down his robe. 

(Theodore)- "The normal happened, you got drunk so I called Liberty. She came over and saved you from potential girls. She helped you leave and you tried to flirt with her."

(Draco)- "That's it?" He raises his arms in an ironic manner.

(Theodore)- "That's all I was there for." I look over and cock my head towards our table. We decide to walk over and sit, coming to peaceful terms after our altercation.

I eat and look around trying to spot Liberty, or atleast her friends. Although her friends are with their own fiance's. That should've been us, I could've left us on a good note, and now we're fighting again. I shake my head and grab my cup, sipping the drink from it. I then feel a tug at my shoulder, I continue to drink until Theodore nudges my arm more.

(Draco)- "What Theo!"

(Theodore)- "Look you numpty!" He then points to something, I turn my head and see Liberty walk in with a bright smile. I watch as she looks around, I quickly place my cup down and stand up. Hoping she's looking for me and not her friends.

I notice her eyes landing on someone, I scroll my eyes over and see James. I watch as she runs over to him and hugs him, he returns the hug. My eyes widen with anger, and shock, I truly don't know what to do. She releases her grip and James smiles at her, taking her hand and walking out the dining hall. 

(Draco)- "What the--" I jump over the table and land on the ground, as I storm over to them I notice my friends following behind me. I storm over and tear their hands apart from one another, I grab Liberty's hand and pull her behind me.

(Liberty)- "Draco! What are you doing?" I turn to her and grit my teeth.

(Draco)- "What am I doing? No, you should explain yourself." She pulls away from my hand and runs to James side.

(James)- "She decided to be with me, after last night." I watch as Liberty nods and hugs his arm, I cock my head with rage as I look at them together. 

(Draco)- "Liberty you can't be joking, listen I know I messed up but we can--" She cuts me off, with her voice getting louder.

(Liberty)- "No! I'm tired of cleaning up the mess. James can we go now?" She looks up at James and tugs at his arm.

(James)- "Yes, lets go." I watch as they walk off, only to see Liberty stop and run back to me. I hope she stays, or let this be a dream. I watch Liberty take off my ring and place it into my hand.

(Liberty)- "I'm sorry, I just don't like you anymore." She shrugs and catches up with James. 

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