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(Pansy)- "Yell and get hexed again." I look at her wand then up at her.

(Liberty)- "Trust me, I'm not in the mood." She chuckles and cocks her head.

(Pansy)- "Funny, you think I'm afraid of that? Gosh, what would your parents say about your engagement with Draco Malfoy?"

(Liberty)- "Don't--"

(Pansy)- "Don't what? Tell? Wasn't going to, break up with him and leave." 

(Liberty)- "Why? Why are you doing this?" She scoffs and looks away, to just look back at me.

(Pansy)- "Why? Because you took him from me, he liked me. He always did." She says as her wand comes closer to my throat. 

(Liberty)- "I didn't choose this! You're acting like this is my fault, when I never--" She cuts me off, pushing her wand against the skin of my neck.

(Pansy)- "I know you didn't, but now you have what should be mine. Just do your part, i'll give you two days." She lets her wand fall, as she walks away. 

I feel my heart sink, I realize that it's the end of breakfast. I quickly snap out of my trance and go to the library, I sit at a corner desk and stare at the old, dark wood. My first class was that stupid couples class. Is it better for me to leave? I don't want to, especially since I have another arranged marriage with another man. Could this situation make me look like a player? 

I then feel a light flicker on in my head, I think I might've found a solution.

(Draco's POV)

I sit at the empty desk, and wait for Liberty to come. The time passes and she never came, did I hurt her? No, it's not right for me to feel bad. She doesn't want me to meet her parents, it could be because of my past or my family. I bet she still sees me as a bad guy, or she thinks that we could never be married. Funny, I thought we were being civil. I thought this relationship was going somewhere. What a joke she is.

The class ends, and the day proceeds. While walking to my class, Pansy hops in front of me. I smile brightly seeing her smile back. She then reaches for my hand, and drags me to our next class. She's always been a good friend to me, especially during the war. As she drags me along, my memory kicks in to when Liberty and I, when I had to get her away from James. What if they're together right now? No, no I know that's just me being stupid. 

We arrive to the class and both sit next to one another, I then decide to bring up a question.

(Draco)- "Have you seen Liberty?" She looks over to me with hatred in her eyes.

(Pansy)- "No, why?" I shrug unknowingly, "I think I saw her with James, speaking of which. Not sure, I wonder if his flirting is working." I grit my teeth just thinking of them together. 

(Draco)- "Are you sure?" She nods quickly and turns to the professor. Class then begins, I watch as other takes their quill and notebook out. 

(Liberty's POV)

I walk over to the Headmistress office, as I approach the open the door I get nervous. I then storm in and see Headmistress McGonagall sitting at her desk, working on the sudden marriage law paperwork. She lifts her head and notices me, she smiles and waves her hand over to the open chair.

(McGonagall)- "What brings you her Liberty?" She says while stopping her work to speak to me.

(Liberty)- "I need to ask you a favor." I say while speaking softly.

(McGonagall)- "Depends what it is, tell me." She says while folding her hands together, leaning in.

(Liberty)- "I.." I huff and see her nodding for me to continue, before saying the next words I gulp hard, looking up at her soft, confused expression. I play with my thumbs trying to tell her in the proper way.

(McGonagall)- "Come on Liberty, this seems serious." I look up and nod, telling her I'm ready to speak. She then nods once more for approval, I open my mouth feeling confident.

(Liberty)- "I need you to personally notify my parents about my engagement with Draco Malfoy, and explain the new law to them." 

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