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(Liberty)- "If you didn't do it? Then, who?" I watch as Romilda looks around until she quickly snaps her head back to me.

(Romilda)- "Maybe it was a normal chocolate box?"

(Liberty)- "Huh? What do you mean?" She clicks her tongue and taps her chin, until she finally gives me a response.

(Romilda)- "Some chocolate boxes are just like that. I remember one of my friends having one, and it had hearts and everything."

(Liberty)- "So, she got a chocolate box. Was it today?" I watch her nod, "I'm sorry for accusing you, and thank you for everything. I'm just panicking." She pats my shoulder and smiles.

(Romilda)- "Don't mention it, I understand why you feel this way. After all the stuff you've been through, I can't blame ya. If you need any help, just call me okay?" I nod and she goes back to her friends. 

I sigh and decide to go back to our room. Maybe I was overreacting, wait--that chocolate box was a love confession. I still have to figure out who it is, I'm not jealous just curious. Yeah, yeah...just curious. I stop myself before entering our room, I face palm myself and shake my head. I will let it go, and stop freaking out about it. I walk into our room and see a card folded up on the coffee table.

I walk over and pick it up, it's Draco. He went to the party, and will come back right before curfew. Alright then, I place the card back on the table and plop down on the couch. I lay down and decide to take a nap. I close my eyes, until I hear paper. Paper? I open my eyes and see a letter flying towards me.

I quickly sit up and watch it speak. It's something about Draco.

(Letter)- "Draco is drunk and almost passing out on one of the tables, a girl is trying to get with him. Come quick!" I jump up and run out the door.

Idiot, that letter was probably from Theo. I run and find the party, I go in and see a girl trying to pick him up from the ground. I speed walk and grab his shoulder, I stare daggers into her eyes and she walks off. I then turn to Theodore.

(Liberty)- "Explain what happened, quickly." I then hear Draco mumble something, he looks up and sees me. He smirks and leans in to kiss me, I push his head away and watch him go limp again. 

(Theodore)- "Some guys pressured him to drink a lot, they were playing a game." I roll my eyes and start walking.

(Liberty)- "Thanks, I'll be going now." I push through the crowd of people, making our walk to the room even longer. I arrive and drag him in, I slowly get to our bedroom.

I throw him down on the bed and take off his jacket, I toss it on the chair and notice puke on his shirt. Gross, I lean him up and lift the shirt off of him, I then wrap it up. I make sure the puke doesn't touch anything. He then grabs my wrist suddenly, making it hurt a bit.

(Draco)- "Taking off my clothes?" He then looks up at me, with a drunken look. "I didn't know you wanted me that bad." He smirks, I shove his arm away and get up grabbing his jacket. "Where you going, we just started?"

(Liberty)- "Don't Draco, I'm upset at you right now." I chuck his dirty clothing in the bin. I hear his laugh, making me roll my eyes. "Go to sleep." I then hear him fall asleep. As I toss it in the bin, I hard something hard hit the plastic of the bin.

I kneel and reach in his jacket, grabbing a small bottle. It has a tag on it, I flip it over and see my name on it. I open the bottle and smell chocolate and mint, I love mint and chocolate. I tilt the delicious smelling liquid into my mouth, gulping down the sweet substance. As I finish the small bottle I look and see a tiny image of James. I tilt my head and shrug it off, placing the bottle on the night stand. 

An Arranged Marriage (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now