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(Harry)- "As Liberty and I ran away, I saw you trying to run after her. Until your father pulled your dress collar back."

(Draco)- "How come you didn't tell anyone? I thought you hated me?" 

(Harry)- "No matter how much I despised you, I never meant any serious harm. Especially since I had bigger worries." Also I kinda owed you one, since you didn't tell bellatrix who I was, when my face was messed up."

(Draco)- "Well I--" We both look over to the door opening, I stand up and hold the door open as I watch Ginny, Hermione, and Ron stumble in with Liberty stunned.

(Ginny)- "Hermione you can let her go now." Hermione nods as she back away, I shut the door and watch Liberty stand. Her eyes shoot open as she charges at Hermione, I quickly grab her arms and hold her back.

(Ron)- "Harry! Harry! She's like a rabid dog!" I watch as Harry gets the cup and kneels down to Liberty.

(Harry)- "Drink this, and I promise you..that you can walk out that door." Liberty shyly nods, I release her, and she takes the cup harshly. I shrug behind her and watch her drink, after she passes the cup to Harry.

She spins around and faces me, before I move out of the way she starts to faint. I watch Harry catch her and set her down on the couch. She sits up and stares blankly at us, Harry then kneels in front of her and starts speaking.

(Harry)- "Liberty, what did you smell in the drink? The one in the tiny bottle." Liberty flutters her eyes slowly.

(Liberty)- "Chocolate, mint, and..and--" Harry stands and lets Hermione sit next to her.

(Hermione)- "Chocolate, mint, and what?" She pats her back as Liberty stares blankly at the floor.

(Liberty)- "Chocolate, mint, and Draco's....scent." I quickly look up to her and start taking closer steps to her. "I was--that was a love potion. Amortentia?? I assume? I smelled Chocolate, mint, and Draco's scent."

(Liberty's Point of View)

My eyes widen and I quickly stand up, I look around at everyone. The last person I lock eyes with is Draco. Before saying any other word, I walk up to him, trying to apologize for everything. I open my mouth and continue to take steps forward to him.

(Liberty)- "Draco--" He hugs me tight, holding my lower back and head against his chest. I hear his heartbeat speed up. As he continues to embrace me. I hear the others leave the room, I feel him release my head. I give my head some space with his chest. 

(Draco)- "I'm sorry for making you appear at the party and get me. I wasn't drunk, James put something in my drink. Trust me, I'll explain everything later." I smile and he kisses my head.

I watch him lift my chin up, he leans in. I close my eyes and feel his breath on me, before he touches my lips he pulls me up more. Which resulted in me being shocked, my eyes shoot open once more as I do a tiny squeak into the kiss. He smirks as he continues to kiss me, we do this for a while. As he separates from my lips, I pout, he suddenly takes notice.

(Draco)- "Sorry, but I have to control myself at times." He smirks, I then notice what he just said to me.

(Liberty)- "Wait? Wha--" He drags me out the room, and speeds all the way to our room. As he opens the door he lets go of my hand, letting the door close. 

An Arranged Marriage (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now