Change of Heart

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Class then begins, the whole lesson I was taking notes. Making Draco peak at what I was writing, whispering insults in my ear. As I finish my fifth page of notes I hear the professor talk. 

(Professor)- "Now for our first exercise you all will gently hug one another, for at least a minute. Each of course." Draco looks over to me, I then shyly look back. "Now start."

I drop my quill and close my notebook, as I turn to Draco he already is facing me. Before I could say anything, or even look around, he suddenly hugs me. Instead of hugging him back I froze, my arms still by my sides. What's with this change? He was so rude to me, now it seems like his persona is new. I feel his grip tighten, as I see our Professor walk by us. 

(Professor)- "Now it's your partners turn." I watch Draco slowly release me from his grasp. His expression, I can't understand what he's feeling.

I look over and see my Professor signaling me to hug him back. I quickly nod and realize that I'm still shocked. I raise my arms and lean forward, feeling his torso stiffen. I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling uncomfortable and awkward. After a few seconds, I try to release him until he pulls me forward. I look around confused and a bit surprised, then I hear the time end with this.

(Professor)- "You're dismissed." I then see Draco pull me off of him and walk out the class, leaving me feel a bit hurt. Ginny then walks up to me with Harry.

(Ginny)- "What was that about?" I shrug and collect my things, hearing Ginny sigh.

(Harry)- "Don't worry Liberty, I'm sure he'll come around. He always does." I look up and see Harry then nudges Ginny to leave. 

As Ginny waves goodbye, I decide to go to the library. I have books to return, to might as well walk over there. As I take a peaceful stroll, I notice Hermione and Ron out in the yard. They seem happy, maybe one day I will be too. I finally enter the Library lifting up my books, so they'll float to the correct spots. 

(Draco's Pov)

I laugh with my mates as they study for their classes, I keep on looking around the library. I start to get bored until Theodore speaks up.

(Theodore)- "Isn't that your fiance?" I look over and see Liberty returning books and getting books.

(Draco)- "So?" Theodore nudges my arm, I hit him in return.

(Theodore)- "Why do you hate her? You've never treated girls like this, usually you're such a flirt with them." I look over at Liberty, currently reading a book about creatures.

(Draco)- "I never said I hated her, I just--" I shake my head and look over at my friends.

(Gregory)- "Scared? I am too, especially since I'm getting married soon. You've never had a relationship that stayed for a long time." I look over annoyed, not wanting to say anything, cause it's true. 

(Theodore)- "He's not wrong, I have a feeling that she's a good fit for you." He punches my arm, and I do the same to him. We both laugh and smile.

(Liberty's Pov)

I return to my room, throwing my bag onto the love seat I slept on. As I take off my robe I felt a sneeze coming. I quickly sneeze, wiping my nose, I then see blood. Before getting a tissue, I felt sleepy, I then struggle to keep my eyes open. I grab onto the couch and try to stand up, until I hear a door open. I then blackout, seeing nothing but darkness. I couldn't hear anything either, all I can feel is my heart beat speeding up. 

(Draco's Pov)

I open the door and see Liberty grabbing onto the couch. I scoff and yell over to her, "What's wrong with you?" After saying that sentence, I watch her collapse onto the ground, seeing the rug protect her from the fall. I run over to her, leaning my head against her chest, her heartbeat was fast. I quickly carry her body bridal style and run out of our room, as I go to the Nurse's office, I see her bloody nose get worse. 

I turn the corner and see the two big open doors. I run over to Madam Pomfrey, before getting a chance to explain, she quickly points to a bed.

(Madam Pomfrey)- "What happened?" She asks preparing medicine for her, and warm wet towels.

(Draco)- "Not sure, I enter our room and she collapsed." I say pointing toward her body, I try to get close until Madam Pomfrey starts pushing me back.

(Madam Pomfrey)- "You'll have to come tomorrow, it's getting late and we can't allowing you to stay." Before trying to argue with her, I give in. I struggle to leave, having a feeling it's my fault.

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